The Hunter

Behind the hunter ride a dozen men, likewise urging their horses on, faces drawn in silent howls lost in the fury of the storm. \*\*\* a limp hand lies in a muddy puddle, the thick water tinged a dark, reddish-brown.

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Mobile again, he walked into the ice as a storm had stirred into full fury. the light of a single candle flickered in the ferocity of the arctic tempest. far from baudheil, a powerful sorcerer felt the profound dread of the black gate.

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Internals (Poem)

The fury in my conscious disintegrates in its place remains the quietest calm and as i feel the anxious sate, disseminate i wonder at how this strength has fallen on then i feel them, not uncertain, confident arms wrapped closely, keeping me fighting

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Mercy of Eggmore

Heartbreak took him > countless tears he shed > the mourning that was eggmore > > full revenge he swore > full debts be paid > blood oath he did take > steal dragons of their life > his heart beat fire > his mouth spoke hatred > the fury


To The Third Power Chapter 2

She felt her fury building at her mother, but she restrained it and asked again, forcing her voice louder. "mom?" patricia genovese looked up finally, and upon seeing her eldest daughter, she burst into a fresh round of tears. "i'm so sorry, honey...

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I Dreamt of Wasps - Chapter 12

Unbidden, he began to cry silently, both in despair at losing the only friend he had, and in fury at how unfairly alva's friendship had been taken from him.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 8

If i remember correctly, i switched back and forth between extreme incredulity, heart rending sadness, and blazing fury about two hundred times." he flipped one of the chairs backward and sat down with his arms crossed over the back.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 29

He screamed against sorrin's arm, he screamed against all the pain, he screamed against the rage and the fury, he screamed and screamed and screamed until it felt like he couldn't scream anymore.

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A Long, Dark Road (Part 10)

Here was the fury that burned brighter than any flame, with its sights set on one woman.

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The Crown: Prologue

The earth trembled beneath him, vibrating with his fury. "surely in your heart, you must know," kon-la said, as if he himself had trouble with the words.

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After the Storm - Part 5 [The Patrol - Part 2]

Charlie barked out in fury. "i was explaining!" jason yelled as he brushed the ashes off. "but you wouldn't let me fini--" again, jason wasn't able to finish his answer as charlie fired out another flame burst, one which jason faced head on.

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Lion King III: The Pridelands Reborn: Chapter VI

I was at the point of jumping at them in fury; how could someone be so utterly cold about killing another living being? it wasn't natural; it couldn't be! "i'll ask again... why? why fujo?" i asked, fully ready to kill them.

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