Typical Fairy Tail Ending
The rabbit grinned a wicked grin at the mass of red and white fur on the bed.
You're Completing Me
They let them leave, seeing the rapidly growing transformation, turning them into a green canine beast and a black-furred, gigantic bear.
Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Three
She rocked me gently and softly began to groom the fur between my ears.
PoolSide - FurStory
The day passed on; the pool grounds were filling up with your typical furs catching some sun and getting their fur wet. coulah laid down on his chair under the shade by the pool, still in no luck of finding his notebook. _"where could i have put it?"
A Successful Breach
Shouts of other furs could be heard, the opening and slamming of military vehicles reverberated in the air, as engines revved and the military drove off in pursuit of the thief.
The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Four
Anthro, winged)- grey furred, grey wings, pale grey eyes, grey tail, male.
Luxu's Fluffy Destruction
Her fur burst through again, her infatuation with growing swelling, laughing aloud.
Dust, Blood, and Fur Part One.
What was once proudly covered in fur was now blood encrusted and dripping, once healed wounds reopened. blood loss was getting to him. he came to a stop, and he just stared.
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Furs
The fur is gonna fly! that's right!
Dust, Blood, and Fur Part 2
#3 of dust, blood, and fur she remembers an explosion. the shock woke her up and caused her to jump from the bed. the source was obvious: red water has come for them. the town didn't wish any part of the war.
Fox Fur and His Choices In Life
Sadly i was unable to find any fur's living in australia. so you find yourself searching for outside of the australia.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 25
The red power fur ranger used his fur sword as a cane to try and help him stand. "combine power fur weapons!" the red power fur ranger ordered. "right!" the others replied as they struggled to stand and each held their personal fur weapons.