Red Wolves Ep. 1

Horst and ezlen came up to him, and horst took a drink from his flask as he walked over. "we're here, at 33448 78469. our target is a kilometer to the west. it's a bunker held by the renegades, probably the tiberian division.


Scales and Scavs chapter 6, New Fox

Suddenly, the samurai produced a flask of alcohol from his armor and soaked the amulet with it. then, he used some flint with a knife to set it on fire. "what the hell," gasped james.

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Havana or Hell, part six

Only burris had shown any interest in the drinking flask, and its contents. somehow he knew the schematics were up for sale, and he knew i had held them in my hands - if only for a few second. but he didn't know what to look for.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 14

Flare observed as the gold eyes of his friend scanned the many flasks on the market stall, every now and then blowing the tip of her mane dangling above her eyes up.

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Chapter 2: Aveamaria's Prayers

She said as she took a flask from her belt and took a gulp. "looks like dad finally took the hammer down, huh?" she noted, pointing at the war hammer that baous had on his back as she held the flask.

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"The Thin Line," Part NN

We also had a carefully rationed nip from the flask of good liquor we had, ahem, "liberated." a tiny bit of artificial courage.

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Heritage of Ash, Chapter 1: New Order

In response to the question, his friend, casually sitting on the edge of his bed, raised a furry hand in toast, a small flask of liquid held as he took a long sip from it, its mellow aroma wafting up to his nose as he licked some remains of the cool beverage

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Stay Puffed

The group started passing around beers and other drinks, a few of the furs pulling flasks out of their pockets and starting to drink from them.

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Unlikely Alliance Chapter 13

He doesn't quite put the bag on, though, but instead brings out of the pack a little flask of something. "we should probably all get at least a swig of water before going. open up."

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The Doctors of Doom, Part Seven

He dropped the empty flask, which shattered, his skin bubbling, expanding to tumorous proportions, ripping out of what little remained of his torn and ragged clothing, his brown fur darkening, turning black, his features and limbs distorting and then disappearing

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Chapter 6- Crystalia’s Future

Verdina places a paw on the bloodied side of crystalia, wiping off some of the dirt and cleaning the wound with a flask of water.

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Chapter 9

Holoform drawings were everywhere and every inch of space had different braziers, flasks, and notes. lydia ignored all of this, however, and led james straight to a black sphere sitting proudly on her lab table. "this is what i figured out!!!"

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