Dragon Storm: Chapter 2: Mission briefing!

Christmas colored embers were flying all over the place and the heat was picking up, reaching 88 degrees fahrenheit. it was no use the red flame was no match for the green flame. the green flame was engulfing the red flame slowly.

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A Life Yet Lived - Chapter 2

"chimchar, use ember!" _'oh, great! not this crap, again!' _ tomas broke into a sprint as chunks of flaming rock exploded around him.

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Taste of Fire: Cliff of Wrath

There was still many embers at the bottom, and it was still warm in the cave. the raichu let out a large yawn and stretched, and slowly stood up to continue stretching.

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Out of the Blue

Tackle, smokescreen, ember. his tackle was already good and powerful, and smokescreen would be hard to get wrong. i guess we'd work on ember, as to not put more physical strain on his healing injuries.

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The Origin

You can't even fire an ember at me with that arm, you piece of shit flareon! ... i grinned. bacon: sure i can! i lifted up my right arm, and shot ember at the rapist. it exploded his ear and he dropped the girl.

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The healing

#14 of work in progress short chapters jjem put some burn cream where my tail hit the ember i whine softly and growls at jem a bit. jem hushes me and smiles i watch as you walk in and kiss jem i cover my eyes.

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The healing

#11 of work in progress short chapters jjem put some burn cream where my tail hit the ember i whine softly and growls at jem a bit. jem hushes me and smiles i watch as you walk in and kiss jem i cover my eyes.

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The healing

#13 of work in progress short chapters jjem put some burn cream where my tail hit the ember i whine softly and growls at jem a bit. jem hushes me and smiles i watch as you walk in and kiss jem i cover my eyes.

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The healing

#12 of work in progress short chapters jjem put some burn cream where my tail hit the ember i whine softly and growls at jem a bit. jem hushes me and smiles i watch as you walk in and kiss jem i cover my eyes.

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The healing

#10 of work in progress short chapters jjem put some burn cream where my tail hit the ember i whine softly and growls at jem a bit. jem hushes me and smiles i watch as you walk in and kiss jem i cover my eyes.

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The Mountains Song

Mountains, the mountains of yore, we've been in myths, legends and lore, we sing we pray, there will come a day, when light keeps dark at bay, oh father sky hear our plea, let land be at peace with sea, may the flames of war once again smolder to ember

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My p.o.v

I whimper as my tail touches a ember. a wolf furry finds me and drags me back the wolf gently puts me down me only being a pup. my fox tail sways as i regain consciousness.

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