Rabbits in Trouble: Part 2

That was her downfall though. yuli had left the house like normal and took her usual shortcut through the alley across the walkway from her house to get to the market quickly. the alley was rarely used except by an occasional guard or by mr.

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Anima Chapter 17

Feathers had their positives, like never having laundry, but they had their downfalls too. keeping them in order was a job all its own, and the things are sensitive to any force. which explains all the preening birds do.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 24)

I will hold his life in my talons and he will give it to me - this little priest's friends will be his downfall.

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The Gift: Introducing the Spirits, part 3 of 3

Talking about himself, and involving himself in the affairs of others, but also knows that, at some point he needs to give others a chance to talk and during those times he gains as much information as he can for later use (in aiding friends, or crafting the downfall

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How to Become a God in One Easy Step

Where the goddess had forged through her downfall with grace and dignity, this man had fallen to the most base.

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An goddess

The water of which i had guarded for decades, thinking it as pure and untainted, free of the life-slaying evil that might be my downfall. i drank from it... the effect not immediately clear. i scowled lightly at my reflected figure.

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Ferret Chess

Maybe the people of this land had misinterpreted their hoarding as a downfall and looked down upon it but really they had just been mistaken altogether. plus, they were kinda cute.

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An unusual friend (vore, wolf/cat)

But bast did seem to have a natural adventurous streak, which ultimately was his downfall, the only journey he was going on now was through a canine's digestive system.

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Remembering memories, meeting new friends

I live in a world where we've adapted little findings of technology from the human era and used them to help us develop, though most of the things we do are naturally powered since we knew that the downfall of humans was some of the technology as well as unplotted

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 48: Streaks of Blood

That could potentially be the start of his downfall. yet, when he glanced over the wolf and saw the bandages on his head, chest, and arm, tom had the right to know. he gulped, then he started.

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"my downfall is..." the hesitation went unnoticed, as i quickly censored my usual line of _donuts... occupational hazard._ i found a rapid substitute. "...cookies. oatmeal raisin, soft, heavy on the raisins." i patted my stomach self-consciously.

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00 - Legacy of the White Demon

It was their own arrogance that had led to their downfall and caused this world wide calamity." he pushed her away just enough to look into her eyes. "i don't know what connection that you had, nor do i care.

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