Kaiju ga Gotoku 7.5 - The Heroes of Ryukyon

Now, not all of his friends are as unique as moguera here, this one is more of a prototype with advanced ai for the sake of diplomacy. we're still working on that.

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Test Trial No. 3

In a different life, diplomacy might have even been his calling.

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Star Trek: Warrior - Book One - "Legacy"

Starfleet diplomacy was definitely not going to work and besides, he was one of their own. the turbolift hissed to a stop as they walked out onto the bridge of the victorious.

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Star Trek: Warrior - "Legacy"

Starfleet diplomacy was definitely not going to work and besides, he was one of their own. the turbolift hissed to a stop as they walked out onto the bridge of the victorious.

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