Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 139

_ a cloud of fire was descending from the sky, roaring through the blizzard winds like a monster, complete with glowing, yellow eyes and jagged, burning teeth.

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Stung 1: The Tiger in the Bar

Plus, we're both dressed completely differently, and the story only works this way round.

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The Orphan book 1 chapter 4

Once completed with putting on the shoe i started to arm myself with my large collection of knives.

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Farumir Works - FAQ

_ **\* "will you accept a 'challenge' to make a completely new project for lots and lots of money?"

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 4

Spyro didn't care any longer about the pain, ignoring it completely he breathed bigger flames after every failed attempt.

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A Dragons heart

The beast had almost completely lost the tension in its body. this human was no danger. fleeing would be a complete waste of energy especially since it was still struggling with an injury to its wing.

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A matter of change Chapter 4:Not alone...

I finally dared to open my eyes to find that i was somewhere completely different, a room with no walls, no ceiling, and when i looked down i found that it didn't have a floor either! i was hovering there in complete darkness. alone.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 26

He noticed it only now that the bars were already in meager state after the creature lunged at him, now when he threw it back the destruction was complete. the bars were eaten away completely.

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Uncatchable: Mewtwo

In fact this pokemon looked completely new and you might be the first to ever see it. pulling out your pokedex since you had time for the moment with it not seeing you just yet.

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Accident That Never Happened Chapter 3

Pepper rubbed hale's abbs, completely forgetting about the camera. "i uh... yeah..." pepper said, trying to stop. "like what you feel, cat?" hale laughed at pepper, who backed away from him.

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My Words With The End.

The surface then heals, replacing its beauty, unhindered by you while completing its duty."

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