New Perspective, Chapter One: Denial
Blue-yellow combo. orange. orange.' aiden thought as he saw the colorful gems fly across the screen. he willed his paws to move fast enough to hit the keys as they reached the bottom of the screen. if only he weren't so distracted by matt's voice.
Raspberry Line Chapter 9 - Of Grapes, Apples, And Potatoes
It had a baseball field, which also served as a soccer field, and there was a basketball-and-tennis court combo as well. there was a smaller, open basketball court where the middle- and high-schoolers would often play. not with each other, of course.
Kiss My Arse 7 - The Rescue from the Darkness
And 'tornado combo!!!' was to be feared even by the gods. he truly deserved his title of dragon hero. i, however, was a much more dirty and brash sort of fighter. with a knee to the stomach and a perfect uppercut, that was normally enough for an enemy.
The 'tank top and basketball shorts' combo he was wearing were produced with elastic woven into the fibres, allowing the fabric to stretch if needed.
Spa Parlour - Slow Day Appointment
Despite the budget, they were your run of the mill nurse type shirt and pants combo in a pastel type green; sure he pulled it off well with his fur color and eyes, but they were so ill fitting that it hardly showed the wiry muscle he used to pound knots into
A Day in the Life of a Shark
Like the rest of her current abode, the shower and bath combo was small and cramped: her hips were rarely clear of either the wall or the curtain, her tail had a maddening habit of extinguishing or changing the temperature of the water, and the showerhead
Big Dude Wrestling #1
I got my favorite pair of cut-off purple jean-shorts, my black boot, knee, and elbow pad combo, and i felt i was at my best. i climbed the stairs in the corner of the ring and stepped in between the ropes.
Zootopia: The Initiative - Chapter 6
Of course, doesn't mean that you will necessarily like them, or what they might come to mean to our vulpine/lapin combo. not to mention, more plot! yay!
Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 4: Clash
Two of them fired off rapid fire water pulses at tundra while the other two rushed in with aqua jet, readying their scallchops for a combo razor shell attack.
The Ballerina and the welder
"i'm torn between crab legs and the lobster tail and shrimp combo. you?" jo asked.
The Unique Snivy And S Big Adventure: Chapter 5 Uniting As One
Swanna:"i'm fine me and my partner used protect we basically have you exact same moves learnt, but get back let's go our tag team combo now" both swanna:"ice beam" one at each perfectly aimed.
Korban vs Volcan. Stylish Skills vs Brute Strength
Weaving from side to side, holstering his guns and tapping some keys on his computer, equipping his atlas gauntlets. he was right in his face, then quickly darted to the side and slammed his fist against volcan's head, then followed through with a rapid kick combo