Midline Shift 2 - A Vagrant Among Many
A bustling marketplace within a tall building, circling upwards to several levels filled with shops and cafes of all kinds around him, blinding him with red, purple, yellow and white all within the constant sheen of cobalt blue the wards seemed to be
Arvians - Grey & The First Hunt
Above, the clouds parted briefly, revealing a hazy outline of the bright cobalt blue moon, cereth. he snorted in amusement as the wind changed, once again obscuring the moon.
Kindred Flames-Playing The Hero
The shining sun reflected off the surface of the rapid water making it shimmer like a multi-faceted cobalt jewel. this water was perfect for drinking and it wasn't too far away from camp so they could easily walk to it if they got thirsty.
Bound Ch.11: A Network of Connections
Beside her stood a cobalt dragon. they were in a lab of some sort. it felt warded, his connections had been suppressed but at the same time... "what's going on?" kyle asked, testing his restraints. "where are we?"
MHO pt4 - Quality Time - Chapter 3
When they looked back, they saw the figure they'd just been spying on, now standing just a couple yards away, surrounded in a cobalt blue mist. now much closer, they could make out more details of his appearance.
Phantom Chronicles Chapter 9
His cobalt eyes looked sad and his dirty blond hair was mused from the fight. "why were they teasing you?" i whispered to him curiously. "was it because of your necklace?" he nodded at that and i bristled a bit. "why would they do that?"
I Dacien - Chapter 4 - Symphony
The entry hall itself dripped with heavy swags of satin, cobalt blue interspersed with a deep emerald green and bright, almost bloody red.
The Art of Battle
White and cobalt fins adorned its length, as it almost casually stretched its legs and prepared for battle.
12. My New Life-9-3
Fire; heavy phasers, ultra smasher-class batteries, tachyon and dual laser turrets unleash a firestorm of energy at enemy targets lance out from the allied fleet while star hawks, stinger viii missiles and micro, quantum, photon, lance, tomahawk and tri-cobalt
The Witch In The Woods
Everything was tinted a cool cobalt blue. all around were hundreds upon hundreds of trees. insect sounds filled the air. he was panting so long his breath was starting to taste like blood and pennies. he knew now that he'd have to spend the night here.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 3.4 - Hidden Treasures
Painted red and yellow with a cobalt-blue neck and a pair of azure greaves, his head was shaped like a cone and caught the light fantastic from the sun, dark eyes with a permanent grin that was rather unsettling as the badger snarled at the intruder
Bard to Death
The mage then pulled a cobalt colored salve out of the bag and rubbed it on the wounds. he whispered, "di eek," as he applied the cream. the wounds visibly started to heal themselves. "any side effects to all of this?" the rat asked.