Chapter 1 Incident

Sorry to burden you like this. i'm so, so sorry."

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Was gone my heart heavy with sorrow and confusion the world seemed a colder place now more than ever at that moment nothing else mattered shaken and numb i broke down in tears no more would i hear his voice, his laughter these tears i cry, a burden

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MLP: FiM: Chapture 7: An Arm And A Leg

I don't want to fail or abandon my quest but i don't want to hurt or burden others by it either. i... to me, if i gave up now and settled, i would be only changing burdens i would be carrying.

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No need to cry don't burden your shells. i left you, it's what was planned please keep on living in your fertile land. keep on living remind my deeds all i want is to fulfil your needs.

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Werewolf Wishes

#1 of poetry immortality as a burden. did you know that we can sense the sun? the duality of our nature. life and death. hunger and satiation. violence and peace. moon and sun.

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Dragon's Pride 6

The silver red also tried his best not to burden the others.

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"The Thin Line," Part OO

The other rabbit on the stretcher went down with an arrow to the arm, and it was my turn to grab the fallen burden.

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My favorite so far :) nebulae a galaxy-filled sky constellations arbitrary of stars soon to die and its soul unable to carry the burden of the universe.

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Love of the Wolf

But that won't ease the burden of my soul, as i am sisyphus, up there's my goal.

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One of my poems

Under chilled chilly rain and my heart beating in my chest stubbornly why, if there is no need to have it go one under the canopy of heaven not basking in the dead radiance of the moon dead in the eyes reflected a ghostly sheen and pressure on soul burden

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The memories cherish it like our identity we are nothing without it through it our being is forged in it we find pain and solace embrace it we have discomfort and peace our memories will live a burden

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._ _ _ _in hyena society, it is the female upon whose shoulders is placed the burdens of maintaining said society._ _ _ **_see gender roles for more information._** **_ _** _opposite page: an artist's rendering of a female hyena's pseudo-penis
