Isolation-Excerpt 25-Ghoul

It had bone tight skin, showing off the bones in it's spine, legs, arms and it's ribs were barely visible. in contrast to a feeder, it's hide was a sick looking yellow color with red veins and arteries clearly visible.

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a gruiling test

Halacy pointed to the bone charms on his kilt. sure enough, he had plenty of them, but i couldn't tell where the bones come from and i could have guessed neither could colton.

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Chapter Four

The corpse began to shiver before sinking into the pile of bones as if they were made of quicksand. the doe watched impassively as an arm jutted up through the gore a few seconds later.

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The Fireborn: Cold as Hell

From his reshaping toes great claws extended while the bone, sinew and muscle morphed until his legs were draconic appendages ending in talons capable of slicing through flesh and bone with ease. next his whole body started to bulk up.

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Sientas redone

With a last bit of effort she forced the bones to seal all the crack, and formed new bone structures to replace the splinters she had removed.

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The House on Rainbow Road - 19 - Michelle

A flurry of blows fell upon the budding monster, which climaxed in the crunching of bones within her own flesh. the entire world pitched violently and then she tumbled to a halt near a collection of trees.

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Doodle Story: New Friends

As the treecko began to cough and gasp for air, desperate to remove the bone, impmon grinned widely. "ya see? i just disarmed all a' ya with nothin' but a bone! how could you guys possibly defend yourselves out in the wild?"

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Werewolf Tale II - Chapter 28 - ...Old Routines...

The slackening of his bones was no easier than last time, but he was quicker to get his breathing under control when his bones settled into their new shapes.

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Fair thee well my Lady

My lady across the sea dose she know you yes in deed a fair maiden true and proud england's pride and joy my fair maiden never seen again taken by pirates left for the dead sent to davy jones bones bones are all that's left of

Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 81

The crunch of bone inside his head was like biting down on a chunk of ice, both in sound and vibration.

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Last of the Lycans 7

She began to dig in, eating directly from the bone. before she knew it all the meat from the bone was gone and her hands were covered in the animal's blood. leith knew something was wrong with kalah, and he had a guess to what it was.

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Anthrobird considerations

Skeletally, your bones aren't any weaker than normal; this is a misconception. bird bones are actually stronger than equivalent sized mammals in normal animals.

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