It had bone tight skin, showing off the bones in it's spine, legs, arms and it's ribs were barely visible. in contrast to a feeder, it's hide was a sick looking yellow color with red veins and arteries clearly visible.
Action, Adventure, Aliens, Fan fiction, Horror, Military, Science Fiction, Xenomorph, survival
With a last bit of effort she forced the bones to seal all the crack, and formed new bone structures to replace the splinters she had removed.
Clan, Dragon, Love, laziness, loyalty
My lady across the sea
dose she know you
yes in deed
a fair maiden
true and proud
england's pride and joy
my fair maiden
never seen again
taken by pirates
left for the dead
sent to davy jones
bones are all that's left
She began to dig in, eating directly from the bone. before she knew it all the meat from the bone was gone and her hands were covered in the animal's blood.
leith knew something was wrong with kalah, and he had a guess to what it was.
Arcticf0x, Argrent, Character Development, Last of the lycans, Leith, Lycan, Story, War, Wearwolf, Wolf, luna