Untitled 1*

"after all, i wouldn't want to miss your birthday." the small otter hologram smiled. "my birthday is tomorrow? i had forgotten all about that." the hologram flickered a little, the otter fading in and out of existence.


The Lugia Trainer: Introduction

He stepped into the living room and shouted "there's the birthday boy." setting the slightly larger box down beside his other gift and moved to hug his son. "didn't get to see ya this morning." he said ruffling his hair. "happy birthday to you..."

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Birthday Standoff! Thunder VS Random

All in all it was amounting to be a rather nice birthday.

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Renaki and Silver's Oneshot Collection #3

"yeah; but it's just too bad i didn't tell the rest of the gang about my birthday..." i said as we went inside; i was confused as it was pitch-black. maliha chuckled nervously.

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Venturing: ConPartrate

As he states and i quote, 'it was for some other canine's birthday or something.'" "some canine's birthday party?" i questioned, natty nodded in response, "well it does explain all the supplies on here."

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Coruld: Chapter 1: The Trial

He began thinking of his birthday, landing on the day of the trial.


Chapter 13

It was an awesome birthday present!" "birthday...present?" freddy raised an eyebrow. "it's bonnie's birthday." foxy said. "oh..." freddy lowered his ears, "guess i kinda ruined your birthday...huh?" "no, not at all," bonnie scoffed.

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Happy 28th Birthday to me :-D.

Enjoyed a really nice breakfast at a great breakfast place. and going to have homemade steak pie witch i will enjoy, and i'm going to participate in making my birthday tea (dinner) and eat it with the family, hope it'll go smoothly for me and my family.

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Big Trouble

So now it seemed that nobody was really too concerned with her mothers birthday, and that for the first time in her memory her mother would not have any kind of birthday dinner because nobody had the time or ability to make one for her.

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Raspberry Line Chapter 17

The intercom crackled on, announcing lyza's birthday, telling everyone to head to the party room. ket looked at a nearby clock; seven thirty-seven.

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S3 Ep24- Cypress Woods Graduation

"well i share my december 12th birthday with solaris, and we are the oldest in the group" "what year?"

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The Waters of Caladan

Luther had been given one on each of his birthdays and one on san azimuth's mas each year a great luxury his friend had shared maybe twice in his life.

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