The other scientists turned looking to him smirked thinking not much of his question and continued on their silly banter.
Trailblazer Part 7
The two keep bantering back and forth but magnum ultimately gets no where, but before magnum leaves he does tell his dad that he does want to talk to him and that it is a private matter to which his father agrees to later... at least he finally got his attention
Formicidae Chapter 03
I bet you say that to all the new initiates," they said, warming up to the teasing banter a little. really, pax was an attractive drone too, with absolutely lovely wings that trailed out behind them a little longer than most. "absolutely not.
Starlight Part 6
The two meet up at a cafe as a passing shower hits, the windows waves giving the water an entertaining illusion, the two sharing some casual banter to start off with, though vanessa double checks to make sure not that many or if anyone is around in case things
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 25: The Things We Would Do
Although, nowadays he just took it as playful banter rather than actual flirting attempts. the way the otter flustered every time he loomed over him was amusing, though.
Fresh Ingredients
And seeing them banter like this ... ... made the snow rabbit think of ross. her own mate. he was in the mess hall. today was first day as a cook. he was going to make the crew's supper.
The Apocalypse: Day of Reckoning. Intro
More furs are gathering around the end of the world banter, and many have even gone so far as to barricade their homes or leave the city.
A Fruitless Attempt at Transcending the Friendzone
"you know," jack speaks again, the banter is gone from his voice, "to tell you the truth, i am being serious asking about this..." wait, so what is it in the end, he's not teasing? "i mean, jokes aside, we had a talk with the guys." "you did?" oh no.
Black-Winged Angels Chapter 2: Chance
The dragon was talking to a red-scaled dragon, and it seemed like a daily banter. upon closer inspection, however, xiciro could see that he was wearing something around his chest part.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 6- Team Sharktooth
Despite the banter between his subordinates, the bisharp kept his eyes on the entrances, without chiming in to the conversation. his mind ran wild with questions, only to have them followed up by possible conclusions.
Locals Only (Pages 1-31)
"hey watch it, you're gonna hurt mike's feelings," gabe bantered. mike began laughing. "can it whole-hog, we all know you're desperate enough to try to steal someone else's girl. i, on the other hand, have no trouble with ladies."
Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 23: After-Effects
The banter normally would have resulted in a bunch of laughs and some friendly back pats, but, considering the agitated position in which the gens found themselves things got just a little more tense.