The Sunset Transition
His last thought before he began his hunt anew was of just how much day's golden fur had looked like the sunlight. but now, not a hair remained. only the dark, and the scaly body of night. goldeneye 2016
The Valley of Red
Start anew. bring down everyone who'd kicked him to the ground. he is stronger than you and i. his own mercy kept the fire within, but now. . . now it's time to burn.
Pre-Summer Fun - Part 6 [END]
The day before the ceremony however, the students (or what's left of them) were given a day off to rest and relax, to enjoy their last day in this campus and pursue a life in college or start anew.
The store
Panic rising anew alex began to yell for help, but each call is nothing more than a howl-like bark, no matter how carefully he tried to say something in english.
Dragonball Z fanfic Chapter 1: Fall of Planet Vegeta
It takes great bravery to thrust aside your old life and begin anew on a different planet. goku however... i sense he will be unruly, but first, allow me to test your combat skills." voldock could only nod and readied himself.
The Guardians Shadow Ch4+5
The screams begin anew as this time it is the man that is brutally murdered. the screams of his dead mother and dieing father sends the boy into shock, then he passes out.
Chapter XI: Dead Memories
Once preparations were complete the "resurrected actual intelligence" was then transferred into the host body, thus an heir to the black wolf name was reborn anew.
Journey to Another World ch106
Upon the end of its life, it throws itself into a fire and through the fire is born anew." this got quite a few confused looks amongst the group but finally everyone began to pester me on more about my tale.
Burner Lullaby
His right ear flicked sluggishly whilst the song played to completion, only to begin anew.
A Walk Above the Tombstones
Once we cleared the barrier, our search began anew. the grounds were extensive, with groves of pine trees dotting the property, obscuring the view. there were large swathes of open land, but no signs of a house.
The Morica - Prologue: The dawn of time.
He brings an end to all, so that those that pass may enter the other, and began life anew. drekmor, the thief, the father of tricks, the vanguard of the mind. he brings knowledge and intelligence to all, that they may build, and live.
Receiving End
Flashes come from his position, a second after the 30th flash we hear the computer say the shield system is down, the shield fades away in a white haze and all hell breaks loose as weapons fire takes the air and the ground erupts in chaos as battle rages anew