"The Trial: Part 1"Segment of my book "Planes"
It was just like gerald too; never stopping or even slowing down even when he clearly needed to. it was admirable, norwald knew, to keep going like that, but also a bit unsettling.
Son of a Dream part 2
When he opened his eyes again, he had no idea what he was doing at the periphery of his territory, but he never stopped to question himself why there was a stranger so close to him, and why she was no longer of any interest to him; she had always been here
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Twelve
Did you never stop to wonder why the wounds you got when you were attacked went away so fast?" i glanced at him, and then unconsciously looked down at my arms.
Curse of the Weretoy
The crotch area glittered back smooth and sleek, though that never stopped the amazing amount of pleasure that had him heaving for breath. he must be made out of some quality latex to have a bottom growing nearly three times in size.
Sergal Tails 7
Me and starlah did a lot while you were out, but we never stopped believing." midnight smiled as she gave her sergal a tight hug, "well, i am proud of you, blazie." suddenly a voice cut off the happy moment, "i guess you want me to explain myself."
American Mustelid Alpha - The Cast (Part 1/3)
This brash, confident italian american started playing baseball when he was little more than a kid and has never stopped being involved with the sport even after a tendon injury put an end to his own career.
MAALUM: Chapter 6 - Welcome To The Tree Of Life
"i will never stop being your friend, maalum." she nuzzles him and he does the same. "i really hope you'll be very happy, kijana." "i will miss you so much." "don't worry. i come to visit you whenever i can. i promise." the moment finally comes.
[story] How it ends...
It will never stop hurting. you'll always miss her, and you don't feel like it now, but you will learn how to live without her. you'll get stronger everyday so it will hurt a little less. torin, please. you are so important to me.
immortal 4
But light never stops fighting even if it's in a losing battle." patamon gave me a concerned look, "wait a minute; are you saying that that's what gatomon, impmon, scourge and blackgatomon are heading into."
How the fox got it's color
I liked when she sang and never stopped since, i've been rhyming and can't stop, or so i insist. i still can't remember the words to that song, i'm sure i'll remember, but it has been so long.
TSS- Green Fog
For one thing, it never stopped moving. winds above and below churned it like a massive sea overhead, and though the animen was too far below to feel it, she knew instinctively that it was treacherous flying for any winged creature.
That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 9: Painful Memories (part 3)
"chris, why. why didnt you tell me.. why didnt you say something. i would have been their to help you. i would have helped you get though this. i love you hon. even in death i will never stop loving you." when i said that tears fell down my muzzle to