Remember Me 10 - Beyond Dreams of Crimson Flame
"renbie, cease this, your trickery has failed!" "i dunno why people wanna lick telephones anyway, they're not even that tasty!" "dronin," said his past self.
Midline Shift 46 - The Missing Number
He did not care what trickery this monster was trying to pull on him, despite the cold deep pain that went pulsating through his veins. all he knew now, was that this thing had his family.
Wolfhair: Verity
The shameful dishonor was intense, but he couldn't reveal the trickery without placing them both in danger, and ruining their efforts. aloca smiled innocently, but the grumpy innkeeper's attitude had evolved.
The Rune Tapper: Part II Murderous Reprisal
Tek said, becoming impatient with whatever trickery this was, both runic pistols raised in caution. "in your hood, little rat." the voice responded.