And Into the Fire...
Machine gun fire instantly lit up their entire area, with more joining in once the others got into position over the treetops.
Entwined Soul
From the treetops, from the sky. i flew over the lake. something nagged at me but i couldn't place it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ salt to the wounds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i'd finally found a peaceful place on the stretcher they'd brought to carry me.
First part of Calanon's Revenge
The only control aro had of his body was his mind, which raced faster then the wind through the treetops on a windy day. slowly, color and light filled his eyed, yet his view was fuzzy, blurry, unfocused.
Second Fiddle
He allowed himself a brief glance eastwards to see that, sure enough, the pale white circle was appearing above the treetops even as the orange glow of the sunset began to fade.
It's lonely up here
From up here, without any treetops in the way, the valley opened up beneath them. the other side they had climbed surely had its view, too, but the rock had blocked most of what uncovered right now.
Taur de Force - Commission for anubiis_werewolf
The camp went dark, leaving the ghostly moonlight to illuminate his ascent towards the treetops. across his body felt like nothing but sheer mass was being poured into it from the inside out.
new beginings for a tortured soul chapter 1
Venuse jumped straight up one hundred feet just past the treetops and then began flapping his newly formed wings. he then made his way back to his castle and kingdom, heading off towards the east.
a dark threat looms
A split-second before colliding with the treetops, he unfolded his wings, jolting his body backward before steadying him. through the thick leaves, two deer scattered.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 163
The sound of birds in the treetops. the buzzing of dragonflies. "i'm here, vallah... i'm here... i finally found you..." "hold me..."
The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Thirteen
At this, droma leaned his head back and laughed so loudly that birds erupted out of the treetops all around them. "you are right about one thing, tick. the historians are not overly fond of visitors, but is not because they are unfriendly.
A Dangerous Love
* * * flying over the treetops, mandrathas had to struggle to keep himself from drooling over the dew he was seeing on the leaves.
Hand of Hell: Chapter 2, Quest
The next day eric followed quest into the three knives haven, looking around in awe as he saw the thousands of walkways and buildings built high in the treetops as well as on the forest floor, dozens of wooden lifts moving up and down taking people and supplies