all for one -chapter 4

He crossed the train tracks into a much harder part of town. it was the kind of place where it wasn't smart to walk alone. the bat clinked as it ran along the chain link fence. it had to be somewhere near midnight.

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An Animal Crossing Story

Boris was about to give up, but just at that moment, he stepped onto the train tracks and gained new speed! he ran up the steps as if it were nothing, finally reaching main street.

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The Mourning After - Chapter 8 (Moving On)

There are no tracks since this part of the camp is made on hard rock. no dirt for tracks." "what about further out? by the entrances?" "i could only see wolven tracks, other than our own." "sirs! we have finished searching the area.

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Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 13

"so... if they're tracking us... how are we supposed to escape them?" eve shakes her head there no way. "if they have a way of tracking us like teddy is suggesting than escaping isn't possible!" she looks back to teddy and iuana.

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The Gift - Part 2 - STORY

Now the tracks themselves are already making a significant impression suggesting they were headed this way with a full load.

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cleaning house

This being important as they track movements of the "royals"  who rule these lands.

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Ben's Biography WIP

Although his family disliked living so close to the tracks, he enjoyed it, that's why his bedroom window had a direct view of the railroad tracks.

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Prolouge to Saver's

The delta's slide down the side of the hill with dirt in there tracks. " look who we have here, you know the rules omega your not aloud to be here during a war meeting," the delta barked as he jumped in reno's face nipping his nose.

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Aviation Dreams Chapter 2 - Pre Flight Checks

The railway line in this part sadly no longer exists, however the platform at hellesdon is still there even though the tracks arent.

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 10

He paused as he hopped right across the tracks. "come on, let's search on the other side.

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JUXTAPOSITION Chapter 5 - Transport Vehicles

The two side-tracked the ravine for hours, walking in complete silence. after a while, they came to a bridge stretching over the river.

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