Scars Ch. 3

"you know he will not stop until lucan is either brought to him or killed," drake said. "ollie is just the start to the killers conway will send to lucan." "then help me," tonya said.

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What's going on?

"okay, w-we get o-off at the n-next stop." she said through her tears. "and you gotta stop crying, or your parents will be all worried about you, or something."

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Armaggedon: The Katsu story

There has to be a way to stop lavos! if you'd rather sit here and rot away then fine! but im going to find a way to stop this!" everyone looked up at me eachwith a look of disbelief "is he serious?"

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Scourge Second Life part 6

Scourge stopped at the windclan border. better take this slow, he thought.

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Just Living: Introduction

I can already feel that i'm so tired from the day, from pretending to be normal at college and from everything else that my own mind and body throw at me, but i can't stop, i'm not allowed to stop, and i won't allow myself to stop.

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I Dreamed of Fire 7 - Tomorrow Is Another Day

"s-s-stop it, stop freakin' me out!" the body of the guitar twisted and creaked as the dog kept walking forwards.

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Dreams Ch. 3

I then felt everything stop, as if the world stopped breathing to take this all in. i was rendered speechless. "i can see and hear everything you do, and communicate with you as i wish."

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Chapter 19: Friends or Foe

By stopping it, you've doomed us all. malefor committed a similar error and now he is paying the price." "but how is it the way to stop this?!" he cried out once more, his mind in turmoil.

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Cherubi's Story - Chapter Four

Find who was causing the rain and stop them. then the land could recover...

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Crossing Roads 1.2- The Price Of Order 1.1

Crossing roads 1.2 the price of order 1.1 "i will stop at nothing until the world is right! too much is wrong, it's time someone step up to challenge this world. fear my guns for they will knock you dead cold!... stop looking at my breasts!

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This is Madness!

"oh, it's okay dude, you don't have to yell," al said, finally stopping the machine and removing an earphone. frank rolled his eyes. "look man, this has got to stop.

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Until with a weak beat in ruby's rump, he stopped. the older dinos sighed when chomper finally stopped.

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