So it is Rewritten Episode 2
"so let's party," echoed star catcher.
"Brave New World"
Stardate: 95803.02 U.S.S. Sobek, NCC-80048 Returning to Starbase Phoenix Nadaar kept his light dim when he got out of his bunk. This very cramped bunk seemed to squeeze the life from him the entire trip. He tapped an order of sazsora tea from the...
File #14
#14 of star trek: warrior - atlantis the adventures of the u.s.s. warrior file #14 this spire was driving muraco mad.
Angels of Aurum 10 - Tainted Blood
star control ii copyrighted to toys for bob, all other chars to me james stood before the three creatures with sword raised and tempering its flame towards them.
Episode 5: Pieces
In the upper starboard part of the engineering compartment, she could see stars through a rent in the hull.
File #3 - "Tension"
File #3 - "Tension" The new Republic held everyone in awe as they approached the vessel in a small shuttlepod. The blue tint of the walls of the Earth Spacedock reflecting seamlessly against the hulls of the many starships docked there. "What...
Pt 6 - The Druid's Heart
Gux's heart beat quickly every time he saw her. He didn't know what this was, but over the months, it had grown. At first, he'd thought something was wrong, but he'd heard Lily say the word a few times, and had a feeling it might be that. "Lily... What...
Pt 4 - The Druid's Walk
For weeks Gux plodded around the house, carrying the potted plant everywhere. He ate with it, he bathed with it (not in the water, though, as he learned after the first day when he'd gotten warned he'd drown it), he even talked to it when he had time....
File #8
#8 of star trek: warrior - atlantis the adventures of the u.s.s. warrior file #8 the warrior was still trapped within the thermal layer of eranus iii. however that was unlikely to last forever.
File #7
#7 of star trek: warrior - atlantis the adventures of the u.s.s. warrior file #7 the warrior had been helplessly trapped within the thermal layer of methane for almost three hours and chief muraco was still no closer to solving the problem.
File #2
#2 of star trek: warrior - atlantis the second chapter file #2 "you have violated my standing orders!"
File #11 - "Pieces"
#11 of star trek: warrior - legacy commander tempest has a show down with captain nicholson file #11 - "pieces" "it's in the ship!?" captain nicholson sat down and looked at the green eyes of the creature that sat in front of him.