Silly Humans, Card Games are for Foxes-- Chapter 1 (Revised)
"now i activate necromancer's effect, which lets me special summon one infernity monster from my graveyard. i special summon infernity archfiend and activate his effect."
Making the afternoon snacks
Scarlet was eating a camemburguer, a burger with a whole piece of camembert cheese, caramelized bacon, and a special blend of meat, which brought a special sensation of sweet and salty to the mouth at the same time, while emerald was slowly eating a batch
Scott's Remote | Chapter 1
It didn't look like anything special, like a tv remote except with fewer buttons and what looked like more volume controls.
Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 15
"that's because today is the special day, remember?!" the chocolate lab was bursting with excitement. "special day?" marshall's eyes were still half closed. "our date, silly!" zuma kissed his mate's nose. the spotted pup's eyes grew wide. "our date!
Strange flavor
"i told you it was special. now you're perfect to help me with my real issue." micah struggled in the grip of the giant hyena. he's never been shrunk by him before, so he was albeit shocked.
The Finals and Aftermath (Chapter 10 and final chapter of my Yu-Gi-Oh series)
The fox drew, then special summoned red-eyes b. dragon, then sacrificed it to special summon red-eyes darkness dragon, who's attack power was increased by 1200, due to four dragons being in the graveyard.
The Orphan book 1 chapter 4
This wardrobe was containing a special set of clothing my mom had asked to be specially made for me. when i opened up the wardrobe and stared over my modern battle suit.
specialized trainings the applicants are by now predators at all the effects, but now they have to face specialized courses for their specific role into the unit.
Red VS Green! Storm Forth, Red-Eyes Black Dragon!
By using an overlay unit i can special summon a red-eyes normal monster from my graveyard!"
Plushies And Cubbies
Each one owns a special plushie, each plush is alive and plays back with the cub's as they play and have fun. max has a rather large cat plush, a tabby cat with blue marble eyes.
Chapter 4
The beasts needed special quarters, special equipment, they ate a lot of food. however, the recent encounter of makaar lent credence to the fact that the ussr was not done with their organic flying program, and neither should the us.
"Just the beginning" Chapter One: Pilot
Today is special because it's the first day we both met you." molly replied. ty looked up in amazement and with a look of disappointment. his ears sunk as his gaze fell to the floor in shame for not remembering one of his most special days.