Just living Chapter 1
Frey paused, his flustered speech gone as he sat there dumbfounded that she had actually wanted to have sex with him, that she was physically attracted to his being.
Far From Sadness
? Far From Sadness Sponsored by Nataraj For Anya\_Arctic By Draconicon The Far, Far Range was well-named. It was far away from any unwilling human or anthro communication with anyone else. Indeed, the only way to get in touch with...
'Our Night'
Our Lips Pressed, Tasting The Touch, Tongues Dancing Away Within. Wrapped Of Ourselves Tonight: Gently, But Firmly In Our Grasps. A Delicate Flower I Hold. Your Sky-Lit Eyes Drawn To Me, A Smile Curling Within Your Face. A Smooch On Your...
Tea Party at Freddy's
_Dear Crash Bandicoot, _ _As thanks for saving the world from the evil Dr. Cortex, You are cordially invited to a Tea Party in your honor at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria At 12 AM, October the 1st. Please dress in your best attire._ That's what the note...
Running Away From Trouble
"No more getting picked on!" Jesse yelled out, as he stuffed another pair of socks into an already over-stuffed backpack. "No more name-calling! No more stupid siblings!" Like many teenagers before him, Jesse was struggling with adjusting to the...
The Dog Hole: Chapter 11 -- Maddox
It's me again, and you're a fucking liar." "how do you mean?" "i stopped by the computer lab on my way here and checked out your story. the longest anyone's ever gone without sleep is eleven days.
The Dog Hole: Chapter 10 -- First Impression
The Dog Hole Chapter 10: First Impressions Sixty little white ramekins filled with yellow custard sat upon trays on the counter. They just needed one last touch. After adding a layer of sugar to each and torching them to a crispy golden brown, they...
The Dog Hole: Chapter 9 -- Nothing
We had sex." bebe didn't know what made her more uncomfortable.
The Dog Hole: Chapter 8 -- Workshop
The Dog Hole Chapter 8: Workshop Bebe was bundled up from ears to toes by the freight elevator not far from the mess hall. Mr. Snibbly was also ready to go with his cold-weather gear on. When the doors opened, the two stepped inside. Bebe yawned....
The Dog Hole: Chapter 7 -- Fifteen Days
"the fuck is wrong with this place?"
The Dog Hole: Chapter 6 -- Nightmare Castle
The Dog Hole Chapter 6: Nightmare Castle "What exactly is a creme brulee?" Lyan asked anxiously. Bebe looked up from her macaroni dish that Bosch had begrudgingly brought out of the fridge for her. "A custard. A little sugar and cream here. A little...
The Dog Hole: Chapter 5 -- Welcome To The Dog Hole
I came all the way to the bottom of the fucking world to get away from it. i've had shells go off mere blocks away from my apartment, and there's talk of reinstating the draft."