Tahikida, Chapter 2

The door opens, and andy, ramon's boyfriend, walks in with a smirk on his face, " so, ramon, are you trying to seduce our young cub here, his german accent playing in the ears of his beloved.

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Chapter 38: Estesi's Island

#38 of the mating season 7: the last shemale queen the last shemale queen _a sequel to the seduction of seleste _ estesi's island chapter 38 "she reminds me so much of my little girl," zaldon said softly.

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AnOtter Story chapter 2

"maybe," she whispers seductively, "we'll do more than talk the next time you show up..." "no giving away the goods for free!" the tigress scolds. then she pats the rabbit on the back and adds, "at least not without asking me first."

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the journey to being Luna (reallife pt.1)

After a while the signs got more and more clear to me. every time i saw a wolfhound, i imagined what i would look like if i was one of them. every time i saw a cat i imagined them as antropomorphic creatures, staring at me with a sultry, erotic spark in their

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 37

"maybe," noble heart gave a seductive grin, "we could still go, and take the twins and whichever other kids join us along the way. i love being a dad and i know you love being a mom, without the weight of the world on our shoulders anymore."

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Bury the Dead Chapter Four

The grip on his wrists was gentle and soft as a voice spoke up in a sultry older tone, "are you okay?" tony backed away and took a good look at the voice as the grip was released.

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Waxing Moon Ch. 4 - Attraction Blues

Vodka shook her head again, then took one of the digits of her paw and placed it in her mouth in a bit of a seductive manner before withdrawing it and stepping towards scotch.

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Owning My Humanity -- Commitment

Dragons for a modern age, that can cope with human technology, but choose not to employ it--prefer savage, nigh-mystical implements--pathogens of conversion and pheromones of seduction, for making new tods.

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Game On Chapter 5 Misunderstanding

You didn't seduce her did you?" she asked as he looked over the girl. "pah, of course not!" he exclaimed as he spat out pieces of rubble.

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the first level of the sixth level bar

She asked with a smile and seductive tone. i understood what she wanted, i'd been getting it alot since i started this perticular line of work but my reponse was nearly always the same.

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The Old Violin

His words shattered both the heat of the sultry day and the boredom of the guests. breaking the rules of the auction, he stepped forward on to the stage and motioned towards the chair with the violin on it.

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