A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:26

However the frequent norwulff attacks kept the ruling blackwools rather busy when it came to dealing with the economic needs and rule of law among the everyday shcotts.

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FoxTail Prologue

This did not sit well with creatures that could not shift their form and the ruling was soon seen as humans being chauvinistic.

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How can one visit the facilities?

However, exceptions to the strict access rules are often made, and the first port of calling most outsiders who are invited to a facility reach is the kyruku office of external relations.

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Believe - Chapter 1: The Moon

No rules to bind them. if it would just be the moon that she had to pray on but there were other rules. and all of them were spoiling the fun. she was not supposed to go far away and never to go near the man village.

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Part 3: The Gladiator Arena.

'first i must read you the rules. it may make you change your mind.' the dragon drew out a scroll and unwound it. 'you want to be a gladiator? well you must follow these rules carefully. number one; there will be no magic used while in combat.

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The Ryan Story Part VIII

So all they really wanted to do was remove these dragons and their influence and rule in their stead.

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Establishing Dominance

He had stood tall, had been thickly muscled; he was a king and a ruler at the same time, with the terms not to be mixed up; the first one ruled by blood and by the grace of those being ruled, while the latter was a conqueror, one who claimed his leadership

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Slave of Alduin Chapter 1

He was thinking about alduin, if he was ruling the dragons and the dragons were ruling tamriel, why aren't we seeing dragons flying around ? "tomorrow i will do some research that. it might be really interesting" he said to himselg before going to sleep.

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Chapter 78: The Emerald King

"you can't rule s'pru, you know," etienne said, frowning sadly. "not without becoming like her." "i know," ettoras said unhappily. he knew etienne meant azrian and her miserable isolation from everyone, even her own son.

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The Guilded Cage, World Introduction, part 1

Norr, the rule-bringer lawgivers of norr, the rule-bringer is the only other 'official' faith within st almar, though he is not worshipped in quite the same way.

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Merry Xmas and a happy full belly

"first, i want to say a few conditions, but before dragonite explain it the rules of the game "said flygon. dragonite explain to your friends the rules of the game and scores.

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