461 The Implicate Order
"it would be like swimming in razor blades." soft white crystals are still falling and spinning, cast by the wind, and there is still snow about.
Steele's Fate - Prequel
Grinning, baring razor sharp teeth, the figure slowly moved his mouth closer to the malamute's neck. in the little bit of light that was in the room, one could make out a coat consisting of dark grey/brown fur, with a lighter underbelly.
Magik & Myth; Falling of the Dusk; Blood Dawn (Chapter 1)
A nose stuck out of the red razor grass of the rouge plain. it sniffed the night air, the ducked again out of sight.
Studies/The Three Trials/ Lost Language
"nature's wrath" cotton spore, grass whistle, leech seed, absorb, razor leaf, petal dance, mega drain, vine whip, bullet seed, magical leaf, giga drain, leaf blade, sunny day, solar beam, synthesis, frenzy plant.
A Redemption of the Soul - Chapter 8
The stranger's lips drew back in another smile, flashing a set of razor sharp teeth for a moment before withdrawing back into the shadowy hood.
By Paw and Claw
What he felt was her claws, her sharp, razor-edged fingertips bringing themselves to rest oh so delicately against his skin.
The Darkfang Curse
Within forty-five minutes of kravex's touchdown, the last remaining darkfang in the village let out a whine of death as he was torn in two by the dragon's razor sharp talons.
Steelfang: A Tale of Redwall Chapter 7
He pressed the flat of the razor sharp blade to his lips, whispered 'fer ya, dennalia,' and reared his arm back to throw. just as he was about to let loose, a strong paw clamped around his wrist!
Fur and Freedom - A Suncasters Short
The pillow was covered in patches of fabric where whinnahael had patched tears from shani's razor sharp claws.
Night Woods
Worse than the threat of razor claws and pointed teeth, the gleam of a yellow, canine eye peered between the jagged, wooden slats. that gaze alone froze the soul, promised gleeful malevolence, and stopped cold all hands that dare rise against it.
Inside>Out! Ch1 Fed Up! pt2
Upon the last sound, he brought his paws together in a mighty clap, sending razor-sharp rings of air in a spherical field out from his body. as the waves hit the dirt of the field, it caused gauges to appear and kicked up the dirt.
A short battle of magic
The enemy, though, had had ample time to ready his next attack, a cone of cold that drew almost all the heat from the unfortunate mage and buffeted him with razor sharp and cold winds. "so daniel, do you now see who is the greatest?"