He smiled, seeing a poster of the sva on one of the rows of lockers. "guess the safe vore association is spreading their boundaries a bit." he began to press on each of the shower stall doors.
Oh So Tragic - Part 1
He glanced up at a store front across the street and immediately saw a poster out for this cat's arrest. her face was plastered over every window, wall, pole, web-page, and tv screen he'd ever seen, and he hadn't recognized her until too late.
The runner part two : Hospital then home.
He ran and jumped on his small bed looking around his room, there was a small work desk and a few posters on the wall.
Memories of Lightwave
I looked around at the messy and cluttered wall of posters and photos that jake kept on the wall, wondering how much jake had going on.
The Featherweight - An Intro
Both of the men on the poster were invited. alex sighed, "i don't know, maybe i'm not ready to take on heavier guys." "oh, yeah, like it's just that easy." he laughed, walking towards his duffle bag.
A new school year CH 2.
My room was a decent sized room it's walls plain white but with posters plastered everywhere. my bed faced the window pressed against the wall, a tv stand stood against the wall facing my bed and beside it in the corner was a laptop.
Leurheart II (Chapters 1 and 2)
There were posters with pictures of wolves on the walls and there was something that looked like an native american dreamcatcher above the bed. there was also a bow hanging on the right side wall of the room.
Moyo wa shujaa: 1
He then sat up and looked at the posters of furries he had on his wall. tazel tawner, klaus korber, hildegard tetreault, and healey davis. "i wonder...was it this hard for all of you?"
A furry world - Part 13
"and the poster infront says it has my favorite flavor triple choc fudge" i pulled hir along but shi insisted on getting us a nice seat outside while i got us cones.
My Name Is Kaine
He was a fucking angel, and the poster boy of the twelve. the lucky bastard.
A Hope Shattered to Pieces (Chapter One)
I suggested that you... run away if your trainer was bad, and.... the next day, there was posters up everywhere about a lost eevee. i didn't think you would really do it," he explained. "she must have been... one _bad_ trainer," he added.
First Day on Campus Pt.3
A few posters up on the walls, a couch set across from a 32" television, and clothes randomly strewn about. the fox found it reminded him a bit of his own place.