The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 2

Somewhere in the distance pulses of pain echoed, but the ache was unable to pierce through the veil of numbness enveloping her all of a sudden.

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Relapsed over you...

I am, jus human, flaws, & all phone at the ready, number already dialed, i've made a call red rosy cheeks await my hands so shaky with guilt & lust cards on the table, game's a bust dam bodies that share such friction one may just become numb

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How Many?

How many times do we pretend they don't matter while numbing the pain with a bottle to our lips? their words beat down on us for so long that we finally accept them as fact. we don't dispute their words or try to argue otherwise.

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As The seasons go by

The numbing winter goes over us. the quenching summer blows past us. your scarlet dress is like the red full moon. i demolish the wall of doubt between us. they dabble behind our backs but we don't care.

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Warm eyes

The chill that holds you in place, doing very little to numb a sharp pain that strikes your side. with all the strength you possess you look down to see a broken, rusted, arrow head half lodged in your side.

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On the Road

On the road to lose our lakes of zeal where our pacts are sure in this deep quietness my own numbing heart, searching for a cure drowned in wordlessness every other mind in this unfair world cannot see our shared undesired pain but we

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The Bar...

Or night, if the money's right, he gives you another pass never asking why, but always open to your reason others like him are around, every town, every season needed to those for company seems shared for the final cost the music is as numbing

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Love hurts wonderfully

I should go to the surface or just descend even more what i'm having is crucial i don't feel alone in these waters i get company from far away who, i really don't know a known stranger a name i land on the ground of the lake my body is already numb

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Patience and Chill (Otherwise Untitled)

A numbness had settled in where a dull ache had been keeping her company. ~ the hyena shifted her weight slowly, turning about to watch the aft section of her ship leave a trail of fire across the sky below.

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The Inside Theory

I get a sudden sharp pain threw my body, as if my extremity's went numb & just started to wake up with pins & needles. the serum traveled up my arm into my hart, were it flowed threw out the rest of my body.

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GoD-Ep15-Double Trouble-

Callum had located the new area that had popped up: the garden of numbness, a place that went 12 floors deep. the team had done their thing yet again, and had taken down their shadows of henry and james.

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My Lonesome

My lonesome today, i'm feeling quite alone i'm feeling quite depressed because this monster it has grown and i cannot put it to rest but, these hurtful feeling will not leave they hurt my mortal soul and that gives me this numbing grief

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