On the Road

Story by Elian93 on SoFurry

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#8 of Poetry

A poem I was inspired to write when I and another person talked about the duality of life; that you're not able to truly appreciate either sadness or happiness if you do not acknowledge either of them...

In this unearthly realm, all the things it spells

Are all chained to a vow

With this deeper curse which from birth made it worse

All I know until now

Fading memories of eroded roads,

Where I am to stand in this heavy rain?

Only tears understand what I do Is this the truth?

All the things that I gather throughout the path

Sing their melody of a rather unholy sound

My desire to decipher their sacred use,

I want to recuse...

I rather hold your stunning rose of mystery

Instead of watching my own fragile misery

Our bond is bound to forge my uncertainty

I simply refuse...

On the road to lose

Our lakes of zeal where our pacts are sure

In this deep quietness

My own numbing heart, searching for a cure

Drowned in wordlessness

Every other mind in this unfair world

Cannot see our shared undesired pain

But we will sure pass relentlessly,

We simply refuse...

To simply see the world from a greater sky

For the simplest, smallest happy matters of life

Are faithful to the people who see through the strife

We are on the road (we are on the road)

Our frequent dream of reality resides

And will surpass our limits of our sanity

As a compass through the narrow, vengeful storm

We will reform

And live on the road

Endless, mindless dolls do not share our goal

An unraveled destiny

Keep us in your embrace, in the end we will face

A dawn of eternity

From this point of view is clear only to few

Our greatest pain will be strongest will

To enjoy the remaining part

Of the blissful road

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