Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 10
I own all the rights to my own characters which include nathan, garret, gabe, nate, sammy, hannah, luke and connor._ _thank you all who read this and now that i've finished i can make this a weekly update.
Against All Odds: Part 19 - A Guide to the Past
"here we are, nate. the museum," the wolf announced, moving from the busy city street into the large, paved grounds of the former palace.
Ep1-Nathan's Story-The Tamers of shadow
Name: nathan "nate" nightwing age: 17 height: 5'7 appearance: black crow with blue eyes, with a skinny body type.
Undertow : Prologue -- Chapter 5 - Christmas
I heard the door upstairs open and then nate's voice as he walked in with khole and what sounded like zeke; the only member of our family that isn't an otter. "naki, you down there?" i heard nate call from the top of the stairs.
Drac Ch16
The rattis kept to nereen's side of the table, taking an instant liking to her just as nate had.
Good Enough Chapter 22
"you can't get rid of me like that, nate," marcus answered. "i'll still be around to kick your tail into shape." he chortled weakly.
Undead Hell Ch.3
In car number one was joseph and i, n ****umber two was gabe and nate, number three was hailee and jordan, number four was drew and rachel.
this terrible war part 3
(from here telling from a third person narative view) nate had a few ideas...but in his head something just sparked...he was gay...and well gay people werent aloud in the army...maybe if he acted gay or something atleast that he would get a discharge
Life is Just a Storm. Chapter 34- Silver River
Not through nate, but through you and klaus instead. nate might have been what some people might call, a red herring. tell me more about what happened with will... if you want." platt took yet another deep breath. "okay...
Legend of the Draco Snow Prince: Chapter 2
**legend of the draco snow prince: chapter 2** _written by: nate the great and ash cinder_ elsewhere, in another part of the city, a dalmatian in a long magenta robe was lounging on a couch playing his mandolin.
Legend of the Draco Snow Prince: Chapter 1
A little story i rped with a friend of mine, nate the great1 a little story he based on the old 90s movie, anastasia, had some fun rping with him, so i thought i'd upload the full-story along with him.
Preying on the Past - Ch. 2 Never a Dull Moment
And if nate had to use the incendiary...well. all the normals on the team carried incendiary devices for just that occasion.