Some general info you should know if you're reading my stories.

Birds are most susceptible to this and many extraordinary colors can be found in the plumage of mixed breed children.

Chapter 1: It Begins

The ball continued to twist and mix, resembling a tie-dyed tee shirt. the super hedgehogs concentrated more energy into the ball of light, which soon began expanding.

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A Brother's Love Ch. 01

Jeremy screamed at his foster-brother who only looked at him with a mix of shock and anger. "what the hell were you doing going through my shit!?" michael fired back at him. "don't you dare try to change the subject!"

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Slime Story: Unfinished

This surprised tyelle who knew mixing dragon fire and magic can be very dangerous. indeed, as the fire mixed, it swirled around draconia.

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This is Solo...Welcome To My World

Of pride-keepers the majestic form of the lion is mixed into the most dominant species of the centre continent. they are known as pride-keepers.

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By mixing these characters with d&d lore, i crafted adara the nymph, dewdrop the pixie, and a host of other characters i have yet to make.

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And just where did you leave your colony?

It was a solid mix of furrsons who knew what they were doing within their silos, some may have had a weakness in maybe not knowing the whole picture of planetary explorations. it is a big picture.

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The theme for the convention that year was superheroes, so i made up a mixed-species hero origin story. i hope you enjoy reading it. when i was young, i never thought of myself as much of a hero.

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Ira & Felix Adventures: Chapter 6: Trap Is Set

"that's just the medicine mixing with the water," ira started innocently. "you want to get better don't you? i don't want to call annabelle up here to give you something stronger."

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Disgusting smells

He walked toward the skunk and followed her into the night, leaving his flashlight on and his trail mix littering the forest floor.

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Virgin Nymphomaniac Chronicles #3: Discovering Lidia 1/3

I stepped down from my footstool and raced over to the one in front of the sinks, the now empty mixing bowl and its accompanying spoon, in tow. i always preferred to mix manually, as it gives one the best control of the consistency of the end product.

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Navax of Moonlight

The navax huffs quietly before flopping onto the bed, facing away from the computer to try to save his nostrils at least partially from the scent coming from the organomechano mix of a head resting on his counter.

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