Ira & Felix Adventures: Chapter 6: Trap Is Set

Story by DolledWolves on SoFurry

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#6 of Ira & Felix Adventures

With Felix bedridden, Ira decided that it was time to set her plan in action.

Story & Characters © DolledWolves

Cover Art © FeralMoonlight

"So, after our eventful mission to retrieve a long forgotten sword for a client. Felix and I decided to start dating, much to the surprise of Annabelle. When I told her Felix was now my mate, she had the brightest smile. I guess she always figured it'll happen at some point or another. It's now been a few days since then and this time I have a surprise for Felix; one he'll never forget. I sure won't forget what he did to me in the tomb that day, hehehe."


Ira hurried up the stairs to her room, she didn't care if anyone in the house heard her - not like there was anyone else in the mansion besides her and Felix. She turned left at the top and rushed to the end of the hall, quickly opening the last door on the left, then hastily slamming it behind her before she went over to the bedside table.

She placed a black shopping bag she had been carrying onto it, before she started to rummage through the bag for the items contained within, pulling out a bottle of twenty ounce of water with three glass bottles shortly afterwards. One was clear but its contents was a pale purple liquid; its label had three gender symbols printed on it, with arrows going from one symbol to the next in a circle, from male, to hermaphrodite and finally female. The second was in dark tinted glass and had a label with a face of a sick person on it; which was of course cold medicine; this was for Felix, the big guy somehow managed to get sick after they got caught in the rain. It was by pure luck that Ira didn't get sick as well, though, that rarely happens anyway. So while he's been bed-ridden, Ira had been a good girlfriend and had been nursing the poor wolf. The third was a small and unmarked black bottle whose contents was unknown to all but herself.

Ira smiled devilishly with her inspection of all the colored bottles before she placed all them on the table to begin her work. She unscrewed the bottle water and the bottle containing the purple liquid. Carefully aligning the dropper from the gender potion to the water, Ira squeezed two drops. The purple liquid stained the water shortly after which it changed the water to a light purple color, mudding up the clear water with a very light purple hue. Next, she moved onto the dark tinted bottle of cold medicine and again took its dropper to repeat the process. Finally, Ira took the last unmarked bottle in her hand and moved it to just drop one tear of liquid into water, before she re-screwed all bottles on the table. Happy with her work finished she grabbed the bottle of water, giving a little shake, and rushed out of her room.

She came to a halt two doors down the hall, she straightened her clothes before she knocked on Felix's bedroom door. "Ira... is that you?" Felix's weak voice called back after Ira's knocking, which was followed by a few coughs.

"Yeah, it's me," Ira nonchalantly answered, opening the door and entering the darkened room while she shook the bottle lightly in her hand to mix its contents together before showing it to Felix. "I've brought you some medicine."

Felix's room was moderate in size, he had a TV stand a couple feet to the left of the door, a couple shelves that held vine plants on the wall, and some exotic ones he's been taking care of next to his bed that was across from the door. As Ira approached with the 'medicine' in hand, Felix again tried to gather the strength to sit up. "Th-" Before Felix could continue, he was cut off by another small coughing fit that made Ira slightly wince from the hacking and wheezing in his throat. "Ugh...thanks Ira," he said sickly, with another small cough following after.

"Come on, sit up, I don't want you choking on this," Ira said as she waited for Felix to sit up in his bed before she handed him the bottle water that's been dosed with more than medicine.

Again, Felix mustered up whatever drained strength from his body could to turn over, and watched Ira walk up to his bed. He soon tried to sit up on the bottom side of the bed to make room for Ira. However, he made little progress in this, and begin to cough again as a result.

"Ugh... yeah, yeah," he said, sitting up in his bed and taking the water from Ira. Felix soon notice that the water was an off in color. Even with a skull-splitting headache, he could still remember that water isn't supposed to be purple. "Huh? I must be really sick cause this water looks purple-ish."

"That's just the medicine mixing with the water," Ira started innocently. "You want to get better don't you? I don't want to call Annabelle up here to give you something stronger."

Felix's eyes snapped wide at the sound of one of Annabelle's medicine, remembering the Cerberus awful taste that was left burning in his throat. It didn't matter to him that it would have cured him in less than a few minutes. The taste alone was worse than being sick anyways.

"NO!" Felix barked out before having another coughing fit. "D-don't call her. I'll take the medicine," he muttered, patting his chest and clearing his throat. "Ugh...bottom's up." He started drinking the bottle, making sure to drink all of the medicine water so he could get rid of this cold quicker and go back to living his normal life. "Hmm taste like grapes," Felix noted, smacking his lips a few times as he handed the finished bottle to Ira.

"Was that so difficult?" Ira asked as she took the empty bottle, smiling lightly. But inwardly she was grinning like the she-devil she was. Felix had fallen for her trap.

Felix rolled his eyes towards Ira, used to her teasing by now. Besides, he knew that as soon as he was better he was going to remind her who wore the pants in this relationship. "Thanks for the medicine Ira. Now, if you excuse me I'm going back to sleep," he said as he laid back down on his bed and turned his back to Ira.

"If you need anything else I'll just be down the hall," Ira started, patting Felix on the head a couple of times. "Sleep tight," she added as she stood up and left the room so Felix could get some rest, he was going to need it.