{Babyfur} Making Up For Lost Time (2/2)

Part 2 of a commission for oiyo on fa the morning sun rises and shines its radiance onto the cloudless sky, signaling the start of a brand new day as its luminous rays peek through oliver's bedroom window.

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Nobody's Servant, Part 15 - The Ulgengir District

It doesn't take long to find a promising venue; no writing to indicate them, but all the signs of a practitioner, most prominent among them being the luminous vith crystals shaped into charms, stored behind tinted glass in displays flanking the curtained entrance

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 24: Confrontation

Helga scampered over to where the ursar was sitting and she began to utter her prayers to lumine as she worked her healing magics. "thank you, priestess." before leaving, arion added, "remember our talk today, bartholomew.

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 15: In Defense of the Republic

Dwarves, particularly followers of lumine, could be incredibly prude. it was just the naked body. what was so bad about seeing it that always had them so squeamish to the point of being ashamed of their own bodies.

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The Fall [Comm]

The following was a near blinding light shining down on his closed eyelids, causing him to scrunch up his eyes and groan out a complaint in response to the luminous intensity. "turn it off...

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Alice Dippleblack in The Jellybane Chapter 6

They both have large eyes similar, though darker in color, to their hair and extremely pale, almost luminous, skin. they wear clothes made from leaves to conceal their modesty and shae has what might be a needle like sword, but little else.

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The Coffin: Part 7

It was then that he noticed a luminous, violet eye peering at him. the dragon's gaze was one of concern, with a hint of inquisitiveness. "marcus... are you alright?" the wolf only now realized he was panting. "i...i am now..."

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 26)

Harry lifted a paw and checked the luminous dial of his watch. 'we've got to keep moving if we're going to get to the temple in time.'

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Blue Sky Rain - Under the Surface Chapter 6

The inside of chief allwaters' holt would have been dark, if it hadn't been luminously lit by a bevy of sweet smelling candles. the walls were ornately painted with magic inscriptions, ones that had been painted there many years before.

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Alice Dippleblack in The Jellybane Ch6

They both have large eyes similar, though darker in color, to their hair and extremely pale, almost luminous, skin. they wear clothes made from leaves to conceal their modesty and shae has what might be a needle like sword but little else.

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Now it was his turn to look up at me, with eyes a luminous yellow and full of hesitation, and except for his heavy breath, he was silent. "...bren?"

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Pokephilia Story - The Cat that Loves to Fight Ch. 1 (Natasha Pt. 1)

I'm going to luminance university, but i came over here to check up on my cousin." "well, bros, go grab something to eat!" called out jason. "we got a crapload of meats, and it's not all going to eat itself."

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