{Babyfur} Making Up For Lost Time (2/2)

Story by SillyLittleSnivy on SoFurry

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As the next day takes its course, Silas spends a much needed day off from work with Oliver.

Part 2 of a commission for oiyo on FA

The morning sun rises and shines its radiance onto the cloudless sky, signaling the start of a brand new day as its luminous rays peek through Oliver's bedroom window. In response to the sunlight, his flowery ears and tail perk up and his eyes flutter upon. Not at all disturbed by the sun's soothing rays, a satisfied smile forms on the toddler's face while he remains in the comfort of his warm blankets and his sky blue onesie. However, Oliver's smile widens when he soon realizes a very important detail, that today was his father's day off from work.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Oliver stands up and excitedly bounces in his crib, somehow managing to be even more energetic than yesterday morning as he thinks about what kinds of adventures await him on their special day.

As he continues bouncing around in his crib, Oliver hears the sounds of footsteps approaching his bedroom and he soon spots Silas opening the door with an equally wide smile.

"Sounds like someone is wide awake and ready for our special day!" he lifts Oliver up and out of his crib, nuzzling him on the cheek while he walks downstairs.

However, Oliver quickly squirms out of Silas' grasp and rushes to the front door, wanting to get a jump start on their special day as he puts on a pair of shoes and walks toward the front door.

"Buddy, where do you think you're going?" Silas says with a laugh.

"I wanna stawt da special day, Daddy!" Oliver cheerfully replies.

"Silly Ollie, you're not gonna be wearing your onesie for the entire day!" Silas bends down and playfully boops him on the nose. "Besides, I wouldn't want to start the day on an empty stomach!"

Silas then picks Oliver back up and takes him to his highchair before sitting him down and tying a yellow bib around his neck. While the leafy bunny happily drums his paws on the high chair, Silas grabs some bread and puts it in a toaster. While the bread heats up, he takes some strawberries out of the fridge and cuts them up before he eventually hears the sound of bread popping out of the toaster.

"Ah, there we go!" Silas puts the toast on a plate and spreads some grape jelly onto it before putting the strawberries onto the plate and placing it in front of Oliver. "Here's your breakfast, Ollie!"

Oliver grabs a piece of toast and enthusiastically bites into it, smiling as the sweetness of the jelly and the crunchiness of the toast dance around in his taste buds. While he eats, Silas quickly makes himself a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee, sitting down at the kitchen table while he eats and watches Oliver scarf down his toast. Once he finishes that up, Oliver then stuffs a handful of strawberries into his mouth, giggling as some of its juices seep onto his face.

"You're getting your face all messy, kiddo." Silas chuckles and wipes Oliver's face off with the bib. "Now how about you wash all of that down with some milk. Would you like a sippy cup this time?"

"Mmhm!" Oliver responds with a nod of his head.

"Coming right up!" Silas pats his son on the head and grabs and grabs an orange sippy cup from the cupboard; once that's done, he then grabs a carton of milk from the fridge and pours it into the sippy before handing it to Oliver. "Here you go!"

Oliver happily picks up the sippy, smiling and kicking his feet while he greedily guzzles down his milk. Eventually, he empties the sippy cup, smiling in satisfaction before expelling a loud and sudden belch.

"Excuse you, Ollie!" Silas takes Oliver out of the high chair and gives the flowery bunny a firm pat on the back, eliciting another burp from the gassy toddler.

"Excuse me!" Oliver says with a playful giggle.

"Good boy!" Silas nuzzles him on the cheek again. "Now let's get you dressed up!"

Silas heads upstairs and returns to Oliver's bedroom, setting the toddler down and unbuttoning his onesie before walking to the closet in search of something for Oliver to wear. While his father scans through the closet's contents, Oliver playfully toddles around the bedroom and giggles while his yellow and flower-patterned diaper crinkles in response to his movements.

"Does this look good, buddy?" Silas takes out a yellow t-shirt with a smiling sun in the center along with a black pair of shorts.

"Yea yea yea!" Oliver replies while he joyfully hops in place.

"Great! Now lift up those arms!" Silas says with a smile.

Oliver lifts his arms up and Silas puts the shirt over him, guiding it through his ears and over his head before guiding his arms through the holes and pulling the shirt near his waist. Silas then lays the toddler on the floor and puts the black pair of shorts on him before standing him back up.

"Cute as a button!" Silas smiles and kisses Oliver on the cheek. "Now go downstairs and put some shoes on while I get dressed."

"Okay, Daddy!" Oliver nods and toddles his way downstairs.

Silas then heads to his own room and opens up his closet in search of something to wear. However, given how used he was to wearing his customary lab coat and other kinds of formal attire for work related events, finding casual clothes to wear proved to be more challenging than he initially presumed. After going through his closet a few times, Silas eventually finds a light blue shirt and a baggy pair of gray shorts, though he can't help but feel a little weirded out from wearing attire that was far more informal compared to what he typically wears.

"Even though it's my day off, it feels so strange to not be wearing my suit." Silas says to himself with a chuckle. "Just goes to show how badly I need this day off from work."

After dressing himself up, Silas heads back to Oliver's room for a brief moment and puts some changing supplies into a yellow diaper bag, zipping it up and slinging it over his shoulder before leaving the bedroom and heading downstairs.

"Ready to go, Ollie?" Silas asks him.

"Yep!" Oliver says while he waddles into the living room with a red pair of shoes on his feet.

"Great! Then let's go!" Silas grabs his keys and wallet, putting them into his pocket before walking to the front door and stepping outside.

Oliver follows his father from behind, taking in the sun's warm rays and the crisp air of the outdoors as he happily prances to the car. Once they both reach the car, Silas picks Oliver up and buckles him into his booster seat before heading over to the driver's seat and buckling himself in.

"Whewe awe we gonna go, Daddy?" Oliver asks while he excitedly fidgets in his seat.

"You'll find out pretty soon, buddy." Silas replies. "It's gonna be a surprise!"

"But Daddy, I wanna know now!" the inquisitive toddler replies with a giggle.

"Well it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you right away, now would it?" Silas says with a chuckle.

"Hehehe, okie!" Oliver giggles some more and playfully wiggles his ears.

While Silas starts the car and begins driving, Oliver continues to excitedly fidget around in his seat as he wonders about what his father has in mind for starting off their special day together.

"Looks like someone's got a lot of energy back there!" Silas glances back at Oliver while he continues driving. "How about we put some of that energy to good use." he says before turning the radio on.

Oliver's ears perk up and he can't help but groove along to the upbeat music while he happily babbles and energetically wiggles his body. While he continues grooving along to the music, his diaper starts swelling up as his bladder reflexively empties itself, though this doesn't seem to bother him in the slightest.

"Awe we dewe yet, Daddy?" Oliver asks, seemingly oblivious to the soggy and swollen state of his diaper.

"Almost there, Ollie. Just a few more minutes." Silas replies.

Once those minutes pass and Silas stops the car in a parking lot, Oliver takes a glance out the car window and spots a beach area filled to the brim with lounge chairs and large umbrellas along with sand and salty waters as far as the eye can see.

"Wow! What is dis pwace?" Oliver's eyes widen and he stares in awe as if he had just discovered some kind of undiscovered paradise.

"This is the beach, Oliver. Looks pretty nice, doesn't it?"

"Uh huh! Uh huh!" the toddler replies with an enthusiastic nod of his head, "Now wets go, Daddy!"

"With pleasure!" Silas hops out of the car and unbuckles Oliver out of the booster seat, though Silas' ears take note of a loud squishing sound once he picks the leafy little bunny up. "Oh, but first things first, we need to get you out of that soggy diaper."

Silas opens up the trunk and grabs a changing mat from the diaper bag, laying it under Oliver while he playfully squirms and kicks his feet.

"Hold still, silly!" Silas chuckles and takes off Oliver's shorts, revealing his yellow whose flower patterns were now quite faded.

Silas quickly undoes the soggy diaper and dumps it off into a nearby trash bin before taking out some wipes and thoroughly wiping Oliver's bottom. Once his bottom is completely spotless, Silas takes out a blue swim diaper and snugly tapes it around his waist.

"Hm? What kinda diapee is dis?" Oliver curiously glances at the fish patterns scattered around his swim diaper.

"It's a swim diaper, buddy. You need to wear those if you ever want to go in the water." Silas replies

"Oh! Okie!" Oliver nods and smiles.

Silas grabs a larger bag from the trunk and puts the two bags over each shoulder, waiting for Oliver to hop off the trunk before closing it shut. While Oliver toddles behind his father, he looks towards the sunny and sandy horizon, curious as to what this new environment has to offer. The moment he steps onto the sandy surface, Oliver bends down and scoops some of the sand into his hands.

"Wow! What is dis stuff?" Oliver curiously stares at this substance while it dissolves in his hands.

"It's sand, Ollie!" Silas replies with a chuckle. "Think of it like a bunch of teeny tiny rocks."

"Ooooh, den can I pway wit da sand, Daddy?" Oliver says while enthusiastically hopping in place.

"Of course you can, but we need to put some sunscreen on first." Silas says as he walks to one of the vacant lounge chairs and rummages through one of the bags once he puts them down.

"Huh? But I wike da sun." Oliver replies with the lift of a confused eyebrow.

"I know you do, buddy, but there's such a thing as too much sun. Plants can get sunburnt too, you know." Silas says to him.

Silas then squirts some sunscreen onto his hands and lathers it all over Oliver's face before moving down to the rest of his body.

"Ok, now you can play in the sand, Ollie!" Silas says while he puts sunscreen on himself.

With a joyful smile, Oliver kicks off his shoes and runs around in the sand, greatly enjoying its warmth and softness. As he continues playing around, his eyes encounter a lone seashell that's slightly covered up by the sand and he curiously gazes at this unfamiliar object.

"Daddy, what's dis?" Oliver says while he bends down to get a closer look.

"Hm? What did you find, Ollie?" Silas walks up to Oliver and spots that same seashell. "Oh! Good eye, buddy! That's a seashell, and you'll often find those scattered throughout beaches like this one."

"Ooooh, den I wanna find some mowe!" Oliver cheerfully replies.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea!" Silas smiles and pats his son on the head before heading back to one of his bags and grabbing a blue plastic bucket. "You can put all the shells you find in here."

"Okay!" Olive nods and plops that first seashell into the bucket.

While Silas tags along from behind, Oliver continues his search for seashells and remains fascinated by the various shapes, sizes, and colors of every one he finds.

"My goodness! You've got a sharp eye for seashells!" Silas says once the bucket contains double digits worth of seashells.

Oliver toddles around in the sand some more and tries looking for more seashells, but after realizing there are no more to be found at the moment, he gets stumped on what to do next.

"Um, what ewse can I do in da sand, Daddy?" Oliver asks.

"Well, we can build a sand castle." Silas suggests.

"Whoa! You can do dat?" Oliver's eyes widen in response to this realization.

"Why yes you can! I'll show you!" Silas says while he starts heading back to the chair and scouring through his large bag, eventually taking out two more plastic buckets and two plastic shovels.

Silas kneels into the ground and starts by slowly scooping up sand into one of the buckets, forming a noticeable pile as he evens it out with a shovel.

"Like any castle, a good sand castle always requires a solid foundation." Silas says in an instructive tone of voice. "Now you try!" he says with a smile, handing Oliver a red bucket and shovel.

"Okay!" Oliver eagerly scoops up shovelfuls of sand into his bucket before dumping it all into the pile with a big poof of dust.

"You're quite the fast learner, aren't you?" Silas gives Oliver and approving pat on the ears. "Now get your shovel and pat the sand down so we make the castle."

Oliver nods and starts playfully batting his shovel into the sand, giggling and getting great enjoyment out of this simple task.

"If you think that's fun, then you're gonna love this!" Silas starts scooping up the sand and forming a tower out of it.

Fascinated by this, Oliver mimics his father's moments and scoops up the sand as well, his eyes widening as the sand castle grows taller and taller to the point where he has to look up to see the top of it.

"Wow! Ish biggah dan me!" Oliver says with a playful shake of his flowery tail.

"It sure is, and you did a great job building it, bud!" Silas says to him.

Oliver widely smiles and happily toddles around the sand castle, marveling at how tall it is. However, he comes to a stop when a sudden pressure forms in his bowels, causing him to bend his knees and squat as his face tenses up.

"Uh oh! I know what that look on your face is for!" Silas says with a chuckle.

Oliver's tail hikes up and a large mass dumps into his swim diaper as a noticeable lump suddenly pushes out from it, causing a dopey and relieved smile to form on his face.

"Well, looks like someone made a big number in his pants." Silas says with another chuckle as he picks Oliver up. "How about I change you and then you can play in the water, sound good?"

"Mmhm! Mmhm!" Oliver replies with an enthusiastic nod of his head.

Silas walks Oliver back to their chair and lays him down, rummaging through the diaper bag while the little toddler playfully kicks his feet and looks up at the cloudless sky. Once Silas gets all of the needed supplies, he takes off the dirty diaper and lifts up Oliver's legs while he thoroughly wipes his bottom and sprinkles some powder onto it. After all of that is done with, Silas tapes a new swim diaper around Oliver's waist and picks him up, giving him a kiss on the cheek and gently patting his bottom before setting him down.

"Ok! Now you can go ahead and play in the water while I put everything else away." Silas says to him.

Oliver nods and eagerly runs back onto the sand as he makes his way to the ocean, awestruck by its vast and expansive waters. As the ocean's waves periodically splash onto the sand, the leafy little bunny curiously looks down at the ground while the ocean's salty waters wash over his feet before eventually subsiding. Fascinated by this natural phenomenon, the playful and curious toddler decides to make a fun little game out of it; right before the waves crash onto the sand, Oliver turns around and runs the other way, cheerfully giggling and laughing when he outruns the waters.

Meanwhile, after putting all of the supplies away, Silas walks back onto the sand and hears the sound of laughter before spotting his son running back and forth while he continues to outrun the waves. In return, a wide smile forms on Silas' face; in these moments of watching Oliver play around, it makes him realize how much he needed this day off and how badly he yearned for more quality time with his son.

"You sure look like you're having fun, Ollie!" Silas says while he walks up to him.

Oliver nods and looks back at the ocean, becoming even more intrigued by it. As he continues gazing at the vast waters, his curious little mind wonders about how large the ocean truly is and what possibly lies beyond it. To satiate this curiosity of his, Oliver walks into the water and stares in bewilderment as the water goes up to his knees and submerges his swim diaper. The curious toddler walks deeper and deeper into the ocean, though his exploration is unfortunately cut short when he suddenly feels himself being grabbed by the waist and lifted out of the water.

"Ollie, you're walking too far!" Silas says as he walks back onto the sand with Oliver in his arms.

"But Daddy, I wanna see what's out dere!" Oliver squirms and tries to escape his father's grasp, wanting to explore the ocean some more.

"I'm glad you're so curious about the world around you." Silas smiles and affectionately nuzzles Oliver's cheek. "Don't worry, bud, you'll be able to explore a whole lot more once you're older."

"Aww, okay, Daddy." Oliver says with a slight frown.

However, that frown quickly fades away when Oliver suddenly hears the sounds of chimes jingling in the distance. As he shifts his eyes towards the source of the sound, he spots a light blue cat with bright orange eyes and dark blue flowers on its ears pushing a small ice cream cart.

"Oooh, can we get some ice cweam? Can we? Can we?" Oliver asks with an excited smile.

"Hah, I was thinking the exact same thing, Ollie." Silas replies as he sets Oliver back down. "After all, you can't have a warm day on the beach without some ice cream!"

Silas then grabs Oliver by the hand and they both head to the ice cream truck, with the light blue cat greeting them with a warm and welcoming smile.

"Hi there! What can I get for you today?" he asks them.

"A scoop of vanilla for me, please." Silas replies.

"Alrighty!" he says before looking at Oliver. "And what would you like, little guy?"

"Chocowate, pwease!" Oliver replies as he excitedly hops in place.

"Coming right up!" the plant-like cat takes out two cones, scooping a dollop of vanilla ice cream into one cone and chocolate ice cream in the other before handing them over.

While Silas takes his wallet out of his pocket and pays for everything, Oliver looks down at the scoop of chocolaty goodness in front of him and quickly starts licking it; the sweet and creamy flavors prove to be irresistible for the little toddler, causing him to delightfully like his lips before taking a noticeable bite out of the ice cream.

"Ollie! You're gonna give yourself a brain freeze from eating so fast!" Silas says after turning around and noticing the large bite in Oliver's ice cream. "Besides, you'll want to enjoy that for as long as you can before it's all gone!"

"Oh! Okay!" Oliver nods and slowly licks his ice cream, making sure to savor every morsel of it.

With everything now paid for, the father and son make their way back to the chair and sit next to each other, enjoying their scoops of ice cream just as much as they were enjoying each other's company. As a calming silence fills the air, Silas looks down at his ice cream cone, then looks back at Oliver before looking into the distance at the sandy surface and the salty waters. While he watches the ocean's waves softly crashing onto the sand, a wave of calmness washes over him and a relaxed smile forms on Silas' face as he experiences sensations he hasn't felt in quite a while, the sensations of pure relaxation and a mind free of worries.

These relaxing sensations continue coursing through Silas' mind and body, and it's in those moments that the words of his boss echo in his head.

"Oh Silas, you're the only person I know who dreads the idea of having time off."

Silas chuckles to himself, wondering why he was so uptight about having time off in the first place. He was always one for being committed to his work, but relaxing days such as this one made him realize that he could afford to set his focus onto things beyond that. Once he comes to his realization, a slight sense of guilt comes over him as he thinks about how his many hours of work have taken away hours he could have spent with his son; in response, he thinks of another way to make up for some of that lost time.

"Hey Ollie, since you want to explore other places so much, I have somewhere in mind where you can do just that!" Silas says to him.

"Oooh, what is it, Daddy? What is it?" Oliver replies with a cheerful smile.

"I'll tell you once we get going." Silas says before picking Oliver up and taking him back to the car.

Before getting into the car, Silas opens up the trunk and lays Oliver down, quickly replacing his swim diaper with a regular one and putting his shorts and shoes back on. After that, he puts Oliver back into his booster seat and securely buckles him up before heading into the driver's seat and starting up the car.

While Silas drives the car out of the parking lot, Oliver excitedly wiggles in his seat as he wonders where he's being taken next. Lucky for him, he doesn't have to think about that for too long once the car eventually stops at a small park with a hiking trail.

"My family loved taking me to parks like this one when I was young." Silas says while taking Oliver out of the car and setting him onto the gravely trail. "We would always walk on the trails until our legs got tired, so I guess you could say I'm confining that tradition with you!"

"Oooh, okay!" Oliver cheerfully replies.

"Just follow me and look around all you want." Silas says to him.

Oliver nods and walks behind him, looking at his surroundings in awe while he observes the many trees and plants rooted around the area. The outdoors was always something he was fond of, though while others may have viewed these surroundings as commonplace for a hiking trail, for Oliver it was like he was discovering an entirely different part of the world. Every different kind of tree and every different kind of plant filled him with a captivating sense of wonder; the warm colors of the daisies immediately catch his curious eyes, the bright red roses fill the air with a pleasant scent, and of course Oliver can't help but be fascinated by the sunflowers that match the ones on his ears and tail. However, as their walk continues, Oliver soon encounters an unfamiliar shrub with clusters of rounded leaves; like any curious child would, he starts walking up to the shrub and reaches out to touch it, but Silas quickly stops him before he can get too close.

"Ollie! Don't touch that!" Silas quickly grabs him by the arm and pulls him away.

"But Daddy, dewe just pwants. Why can't I touch dem?" Oliver asks him with a confused look.

"Because that plant is poison oak, buddy." Silas replies. "You could get a rash if you touch that, and I don't think either of us would want that."

"Huh? Dewe awe bad pwants?" the leafy little bunny asks.

"That's right, not every plant is safe to touch, unfortunately." Silas replies. "Some

are dangerous and don't like to be touched or eaten."

"D-den awe dese pwants dangewous too?" Oliver asks nervously, looking up at the sunflowers on his ears.

"Not at all, bud! Sunflowers aren't dangerous at all." Silas chuckles and gently strokes the sunflowers on his ears. "You don't have to worry about those pretty little flowers of yours."

"Oh, okay!" Oliver says with a playful giggle.

With that out of the way, the father and son happily continue their hike, though the potential danger of certain plants doesn't discourage the toddler's curiosity nor take away the feelings of wonder he gets from each new observation. After several minutes of walking on the gravel trail, the two make their way onto a grassy hill and sit down at the top, staring at the various plants blooming in the grass while Oliver rests his head on Silas' shoulder.

A comforting silence fills the air and a relaxed smile forms on Oliver's face in response to the pleasing sensations of the soft grass movements and the warm sunlight lightly shining on his face. As he becomes more relaxed, Oliver then lays down on his back and looks straight up at the cloudless sky, heaving a relaxed sigh while he slightly sinks into the grass.

"Well, you sure look relaxed, Ollie." Silas chuckles and lays down on his back as well, putting his hands behind his head and looking up at the sky.

No words needed to be spoken while the calming silence continued to fill the air, for such actions were unnecessary when Silas and Oliver were already more than satisfied with each other's company on this beautiful day. Truth be told, Silas wanted to stay like this for much longer, but he knew he'd have to get up eventually.

"Alright, Ollie, I think it's about time we head back." Silas sits up and stretches his arms before standing back up.

In spite of his father's commands, Oliver continues to lay down on the grass, far too relaxed to stand up.

"Silly goose, you can't lay on the grass forever!" Silas laughs and lifts Oliver up, sitting the toddler on his shoulders before they start heading back.

As much as Oliver wanted to stay on the grass, he couldn't complain about getting a piggyback ride either. While Silas walks back onto the gravel trail, Oliver scans his surroundings once more, wondering if he could make any new observations from the vantage point of his father's shoulders. However, a wave of drowsiness suddenly comes over him before he can do any of that and he lets out a yawn.

By the time they head back to the car and Silas buckles him back into the booster seat, Oliver's eyes grow heavy and he eventually falls asleep, quite tuckered out from this rather eventful day.

"So, what should we do next, bud?" Silas looks at Oliver and is quite surprised to notice he's fast asleep. "Oh! Guess that answers that question!"

Silas starts up the car and starts making his way back home, driving slightly slower than usual to make sure his son's slumber remains undisturbed. As he drives back home, Silas glances at Oliver again, happy to have spent his day off work with him even if it was ending earlier than he wanted it to. Once he arrives back home, Silas takes Oliver out of the car and steps inside the house before walking into Oliver's room and quietly tucking him in.

As he leaves Oliver's room, Silas thinks about all the fun he had on this day off, making him realize that one day off wasn't going to make up for all the hours put into his work.

"To think I once dreaded the idea of having time off." he says to himself with a chuckle. "I guess it's about time I do this more often."
