Friends of the Dragon

Finding his voice again, the horse asked, "how long ago was it?"

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Accident That Never Happened Chapter 3

"come on, little horse slut, get up." pepper pulled him to his feet just to knock him down again. he sat on top of peter, rubbing his head into the hard concrete.

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Not an honest sport (eng)

Kathy ridge began to change, she felt like there are new vertebrae, her stomach began to increase, the internal organs began to turn into a horse.

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Separate Ways 3.1

New horse: "separate ways" _the horses depart abruptly from their picnic, following a twist in the plot. what is it that's caught kimi's attention?

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kiss of the dragon part 2

After a few mouths of nothing David said this to the press, the person doing this was Ron the rat who died at his own home testing the antidote, if he had succeed he would have sold it to us at a large price but he killed him self in the end testing...

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The Mirror Still Broken

He walked straight for the tall striped mare, a few roses in his paw the entire trip. he stopped and stood beside her before a big tombstone and gave her a weak attempt at a smile.

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How Menander Got His Name

They agreed readily enough, saying 'whoever heard of a talking horse that could read?' "but my friend, xenos, just answered them with 'whoever heard of a horse that could speak excellent greek?'

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A Bond Unbroken ~ Chapter 4

She had always thought it appropriate that the leader of that clan would be a white stallion.

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A Bond Unbroken ~ Chapter 3

Once the tea was done she poured it in a mug and sliced another piece of bred and set down next to the stallion.

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The Rain

He asks the horse. "nothing, he was in the back, crying and whimpering." he has the horse look at my back, he touches my back, i flinch at the pain. he quickly doesnt touch me again.

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In the Life of the Cat 3: Happy Endings

The horse was clad only in a pair of jeans, and he was looking very sexy. "you killed him, didn't you? that's what those gunshots were, right?" he asked sadly.

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Tales of Zootopia: Wyclef and Sarah

It all started in high school, where our protagonist, wyclef hoover, a white male horse with an effeminate body and voice, falls in love with someone from his math class. that person is sarah silverfox, a silver fox, because of course.

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