Major Thomas Bishop bio.

Likes: hunting, tom clancy novels, guns, tanks, 1960s war movies, reading, helicopters, and other military stuff.

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Nikki's special jutsu

Months after being on the island, the survivors were rescued by the rangers with their pokemon because the wind and the sea of the island was not adapted for transport as boats, ships or rescue helicopters.

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Flash Fiction Contest Entry at FurtheMore2019

Brian looked up at the marmoset that piloted the helicopter he was now sitting in and gave a tired chuckle. "and where would the fun be in that gary?"

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Outside The Walls

The wall has no exit, just helicopters to leave and enter." james smiles as he whispers "i dug a hole under the wall behind a set of tall bushes."

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Tearful Skies 3: City of Ghosts

Giovanni then got in his private helicopter and left. the grunt then pulled two master balls, obviously stolen, from the bag on his side, and threw them over the piece of rubble rinz and sana were hiding behind.

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CH 2

He said then started dragging us towards a helicopter which was landed on the roof and strapped me and gris to it way too tight. "too\_tight\_can't\_breath."

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chapter 4: Where the Shadows Lay

"it looks like a small helicopter...with a camera attached on it. wonder where this came from. this is definitely not pre-arcana tech, and very advanced."

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Chapter 7

"no. only a helicopter with supplies towards the other camp. recon report?" sonya states. "supplies are only food, weapons, ammo, and equipment" hades slowly replies. "any problems?" peeta asks.

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Undead Hell Ch.2

Just then a helicopter started flying over head, and then out of nowhere, dalton came out and started screaming and waving his arms all over the place like the fucken idiot he is.

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Defense of Home

Infantry, armored personnel carriers, tanks, helicopters, jets, the whole deal. another one of the large scale attacks. the soldier let out a distraught sigh as he set the binoculars aside. again?!

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Coming of the Dragon

The distant roar of engines could be heard and i thought my feeling was wrong when i saw the helicopters approaching the evacuation zone. then a burning black ball flew straight through the space that the helicopters had occupied.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 1 - The way things are

The soldier who talked on the radio went inside the helicopter, along with the large group of other soldiers and once they were all inside, the helicopter took off again. only the woman stayed with me.

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