Dreamer's Paradise: Learning a few tricks
Still upset fried said, "i just don't see how you can grab my stuff and move it!"
Willy Skunk and the fishing trip
Later that night, kelly fryed the fish. everyone ate the fish and watched tv. the end willy skunk
Bohemian Blasphemy
Bring me some fries and scream. i'm just a door boy. i need my timothy. because i'm slightly numb, slightly cold. a little flight, not so old. anyway the wind blows, just as its not east, not east. buddy, don't kill my dog.
Fiery Forest Chapt. 2: Planned
I took a fry and popped it into my muzzle. the fries were a bit over-salted, but they were bearable with a few swigs of my drink.
A Journey Begun - Chapter 1 - Into A New Skin
I finished the last of the fries and downed a coke. riggs was standing by my window, staring out into the street. i joined him there, my cup still in my hand.
Chapter Eight - Damnit Electra!
"you are not frying and eating these nice people." "frying... and eating?" the human asked, frowning. "the deal was i cou-" "no, the deal was you could fry and eat whoever attacks you or tries to catch you. he is doing neither.
Wrong Kind of Marks
I'll get us some hay fries, you must be hungry." -rainbow dash's house, interior- the two ponies sat on a green couch, munching fries and idly chatting. to scootaloo's dismay, rainbow had no wall of awards in whose glow she could bask.
Disobedience part 1
The little bot whirred to life and overcharged the lines frying the camera inputs and cutting all visuals of the building from inside and out.
Identity: Chapter Sixteen
Scarlett popped another french fry into her muzzle and shrugged. "some weasel. i don't think he was important, though. only way they knew he was killed by the prophet was the ten commandments."
finding where i belong
"a burger with fries would be heaven right now." he walks over to a little black box standing on the counter, looks like a microwave, and repeats my order. he walks back to me with a burger and a side of fries. "how did you do that?"
Lament of the Moon: S&H - Ch.02: Friendly Unknown - Ep.02
"i want a beef jerky sandwich, a big stake; well done, with mash potatoes on the side, roasted ribs, some fried chicken legs, lamb chops, some spring rolls with spicy corn dip, a bowl of hash browns, a king sized burger with french fries and...
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.05: A Kirin's Origin - Ep01
Panja replied, finishing the third bowl of fried rice and spicy shrimps. "glad to see you're enjoying my dinner," hazard stingily said. "hey, i'm the guest here! and i came a long way to find you, so i'm famished!