Drakensang Chapter 11

He knew where kyle lived, and frankly, she couldn't get out of the palace, unnoticed; not now when there's a whole army watching her every move... it's strange that they didn't put a guard inside her chambers...

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The King's Company: Chapter Four: The Door to Destiny

frankly, having connections to the criminal underworld was useful, and, well, not having to deal with the bandits again would be nice.

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A Bear Adrift and Afloat

Bueno there's a polar bear on an ice floe which is casually floating along on its way to him it feels like he's been adrift for a lifetime now floating for a frankly hazy at this point number of days he's not really sure where he's trying to

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Boarding Pass (Otherwise Untitled)

The furniture was almost impressively rickity, as was the case for all the best locations of frank negotiation aboard the station.

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Born To Be A Warrior.

I frankly don't care. i have never gone with the current, and i don't feel like starting now. only dead fish swims with the current, anyway. and i'm no dead fish. i'm a crazy viking warrior. wolftwins17.

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Simba's Training Day 1: Finding a place to stay

He always tried so hard to make me feel as if i hadn't done enough whenever he was giving me one of these lessons when frankly i can just never be bothered putting any effort in.i'm quite a lazy lion the only things i like doing when i'm not being lazy are

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Feral Dialysis - Prolouge

Quite frankly, the first prototypes were abominations. their hideous first creations lived short, bleak and painful lives, and once testing was complete; they were discarded. 100 years past before it was more or less perfected.


The Silence of Oz (Volume 1 in the Legends of Oz Saga) Prologue

The story has not been edited, this is a ruff draft so deal with the common errors, this is the first part of my newest series entitled "the legends of oz" saga inspired by the legendary novels by l frank baum the legends of oz picks up ten years after the

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Fallen Kingdom - Chapter 2, Lake of Silver Kings

We don't know each other yet, so we don't trust each other, and quite frankly if we don't start working as a group we're dead." fen quite suddenly stops talking, not used to being the center of attention.

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At the Airport

frankly, i'm starting to like her. she's cute, has a good sense of humor, likeable. i really like her. after, i still don't know what she wants. so, let us be vigilant, we are never sheltered from a nasty surprise._

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And quite frankly, i'm not very particular about the gender." "very well." i remember i was a tad nervous when i asked this question. we can say i often thought about that, at this time. that should help me to reassure me, probably.

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Two Sides to Every Tale

And, well, to be frank, i didn't exactly have the best childhood.....

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