Return To America

Once there, one player must remain blindfolded while the other has to feed them an entire twelve inch pizza. only then will they receive their next clue. the race for first continues.

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baby dragon

After the baby boy dragon was feed and burped put to bed midwife helped daddy clean up. after the birth mess was cleaned up the midwife left making sure the baby was well on the way out.

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A Dragon for Christmas Part Five: A New Life

Now do you want to help me feed him?" tyson nodded. he walked over and handed his father the bottle. "now you have to make sure to cradle him with your other arm while you feed him." roger said as he moved the bottle closer to kilmor's mouth.

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Fiona and Loupy's Day of Sissy Fun

When they were done, they met up with snow around the small pond, where some people were feeding the ducks. "oooh, can we feed them?" asked fiona. "sure kiddo." said snow, having returned from his own diaper change.

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Wetpelts - Intro

The next day, rather than letting his father feed the wolf, ryndle asked to do it himself.

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The Aether

There they hid themselves amongst the stars, finding tiny worlds to cultivate and feed upon. even a few came to earth, learning to interact with humanity and play in the oasis.


Obamon Prologue and Meal 1

She then proceeded to refill his bowl even higher than it had been last time and then took his spoon to feed him another mouthful. she let him grab the spoon and continue to feed himself.

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Dire Wolf Forgiveness

Cryo was left alone to feed though, the others away from her by more than she could lunge. she growled quietly when feeding, just a constant reminder to the pack that she was the leader. the meat refuelled her, though she was still tired.

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Demon Castle Digitalpotato - the Latex Spider

I feed off of auras." the spider hung from a strand of latex, getting closer and closer to the challenger. "feeding off auras? that's a new one on me" the challenger said. "it's called auralvorism," the spider explained.

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Tenderheart’s Tiny Timeout

That includes not having to feed yourself. besides, you were always a messy eater as a cub, even when not feeding yourself ... which reminds me". she pulled a bib from her apron pocket and placed it on him before she fed him another spoon.

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After the storms in Portland

She would morn her friend tomorrow or perhaps later but now she had a near capacity crowd of tiered people and furs to feed. zelda

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Scott's Remote | Chapter 8

She turned around and placed another sippy cup fill with cranberry juice on his feeding chair.

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