Credo of Thieves, Part 2

I'll take that to imply a series of half-hearted, desperate attacks such as last night's-" "or that the second ones were fatal!" "urh, yes, or that.

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Ch4 Guardian of Tela'Vel

The massive gredifer went for the fatal mock blow. desperately, averin ducked and dove into his trainers thighs, wrapping his arms around the legs that were as thick as his torso. gredifer stumbled and fell backwards having averin on top of him.

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[Infosheet] Almegian Zelta Drakes

Not only do they have access to a vast array of magic, they are the only species (outside of altair ezeri, a prism dragon) that can use the fatal frequency divide spell, literally tearing a living being's mana and soul from it's body.


The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 9: We must help him!

Spyro dodged flying club to left by flapping his wings strongly and before he landed back he fired another fireball on unarmed orc doing fatal hit on him.

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An Eventful Trip

But it was already too late as they spoke the fatal words the hoard of undead closed in around them.the sky seemed to grow darker as the ground near what they thought to be their last few moments in the this or any other world.

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Dark Sorrow

With cold horror sinking its fatal teeth into my heart, filling my veins with icy fear, i lept from my place beside the polished marble and perused the precious flower as it fluttered among the silent white stones and further out of my reach.

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 1

Take that other vulpix too, the one who doubts my leadership, and hope she doesn't have a fatal accident while on the trip. you understand?" dark growlithe bowed and nodded. ninetales licked his face and shooed him out the cave.

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Of the Collective, Prologue

Three plural beings with close to a thousand bodies each, and every one of them developed a fatal brain aneurysm at once.

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Chapter 23

Some even tried to pull out the bullet, but what they did was fatal as there suddenly came out ice spreading around the hands of those unfortunate.

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Book 2, Chapter 28

Dewclaw blinked as he heard the shouts of darkclaw-rah and turned his head around but it was a fatal mistake to make.

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 5: Formation of the Legion

They are stronger, faster, and do not die from fatal injuries. they are sytarel's vanguard."

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The Mourning After - Chapter 8 (Moving On)

Looking at these wounds it was obvious that despite the fatality of them, a couple of bloody trails indicated that two of the wolves had simply bled out while trying to escape whoever attacked them.

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