Realms of Valeron - Chapter 16

The others had each chosen their own, all six electing to purchase rides that seemed to reflect their unique personalities.

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Shop Talk

Lost the next election by a landslide." kickaha growled. "was really annoying. the entrance to my burrow was blocked by it, and by the time i dug my way out it was too late to submit the official paperwork and i was disqualified from the election."

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Tina's Story Chapter 61- Acceptance-Open Hearts

Life here depended on being 'connected' even though the civil service in theory prevented it, politicians, elected officials, even organized crime figures routinely tweeked the system for their cronies. tina nodded her head and left.

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After some indecision, i elected to follow the north road, and head east. as i walked down the road, the buildings gradually became less damaged, still torn with craters but not on the verge of collapsing at the lightest touch, which was good.

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Marcus Moore's Atlas of Idessa

Instead all government positions are filled by election, the candidates chosen from among qualified citizens. even the queen herself rules by popular vote! however bizarre this method of governance may seem to foreigners, it seems to be working.

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The End of the SWAT Kats! Part Eight

The district attorney had elected to accompany callie from city hall to enforcer headquarters after manx abandoned them.

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An Early Morning Reflection

Nothing more than the elected officials, really, as this was a problem brought about by society itself, and i'd heard plenty of how the answer must come from there as well.

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Building a Universe

The representatives, some elected, some appointed, according to the whims of each species, met under their watchful gaze in the assembly, a massive space station that some called the capitol

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Gap Year: Jake's Soup

Dad was the mayor of the town, sweeping up votes in his re-election campaign. no one in their right mind would vote against the father of the most famous fur in the world. my mom was a current events teacher at a private high school.

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What we have here is a "people factory" where everyone looks as identical as their homes- same $50,000-$100,000 job, same mortgage they're gonna pay off "someday", same party they vote for in every election, same 2.5 kids, you'd think they were cloned from

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Surface (Chapter 11)

- when you were telling me about your studies, you did tell me you've taken at least one elective anthropology class, haven't you? - you're an anthropologist?! - a participatory anthropologist by predilection, yes.

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A Shamus' Shame

At least it would have been had her election for anonymity sent a familiar tingle along my spine that warned me to be on my guard. it seemed likely that i was dealing with a femme fatale. "oh? what leads you to believe that?"

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