Deep down he did not wish to hurt the spirit of the deceased turned evil, but that the spirit would let go of its hatred. jumping into the air and holding his sword aloft, he gave one final strike which finished off the grudge.
Bunny, Fantasy, Fox, Hopps, Judy, OC, Wilde, Wolf, Zootopia, fanfic, nick
Few even claimed the sight of scratch marks on the insides of the caskets, the wood or stone ravaged, as if the deceased decided to get up and start living again.
Fantasy, Fiction, Magic, furry
i wandered through the empty room, stepping over the carcasses of deceased carfleigs, occasionally finding an unbroken creuss stone.
Alien, Fox, Sci-Fi, Space
A gesture commonly reserved to say goodbye to the newly deceased, but sana had come to use it to give thanks.
hopefully the wolverine would understand.
Co-Authored, Co-Writing, Crossover, Crow, Fantasy, MacWolf, Mesolithic, Otter, Primitive, Rob_MacWolf, Sakara, SakaraFox, Sana, Spirits, Story, Tribal, Wolf, Wolverine, ancient, gathering, prehistoric, prehistory, rob, shaman, spirit, spiritual, tribe
Which, as it happens, included our recently-deceased friend hugo sota."
now that _was_ interesting. a connection with four of seven victims was enough to make holly vaughn at least someone to consider as a suspect.
Coyote, Crime Drama, Fox, Gay Relationships, Identity, Jackal, Jaguar, M/M, Romance, Wolf, Wolf Dog, Wolfdog, alsatian
Of course... that was also back when he wasn't wearing the necklace his deceased lover had given him.
rhys reached up and pressed paw against the outside of the robe where, beneath it, the metal necklace buried itself further into his fur.
Deer, Horse, Mouse, Political maneuvering, Rat, Steam Punk, Tribal, Wolf, genocide
Like most of the others they had passed in the abandoned city, little more than a pile of rubble--a monument to its long-deceased inhabitants.
"north, toward the palace."
Action, Clean, Fantasy, Lynx, Panther
-i mean look at this, hips so wide your jeans have simply become deceased in the process. chloe explains.
-yeah and look at this! quadreco demands, pointing at the bulge at the back of sawyer's jeans.
-oh wait, is that... do i have a tail? sawyer asks.
Allurane, Baku, Cat, Mythological Creature, Peacock, Rabbit, Squirrel, Tiger, Transformation, Unreality, harpy, tapir, werecat