Jeremy 021; Landing With Both Feet Running
The next monday he was given his company identification. sahar also gave him a company phone and as they were actually consultants an expense card. the limit on the card was an amazing fifty thousand dollar limit for each week.
beginning anew, past forgoten 2: turning the coals
He has sent a company northbound from the alpine pass.
The Volantis Corps-Ch3
His ears splay at the reminder of the rank gap between us, "i just thought i'd keep my fellow officer company." "i am in no mood for company." "i know you well enough to know that you feel better around people than brooding by your lonesome."
Even The Losers
After all, such things was frowned upon in polite company. not that anyone hanging out in "the bell end" could be considered polite company.
Once in a lifetime, after the rain is gone
Now, the county was not a poor county, there were some drawbacks; there was no cell service, and the local phone company wasn't a real company, it was a guy who did all the installations, ran the wires up to the house, inside the
Ember Tails info sheet
Mckenzie is the business manager for a small, recently-started company founded by one of her friends.
Don't cry wolf 2
"good, they said that the company closes at 9:00." blitzar stood outside the door while falstrol hopped around the side walk. two people walked out of the building, "yeah bill, i'll see you tomorrow." "you too john, see you later."
Burdens - Chapter 112: Diagnosis
We just have a list of those that would benefit the company because of certain skills or knowledge, and sometimes we try to hire them. we don't go off and assassinate others or something, and it isn't a shady business."
The Short (and ongoing) Tale of Otterbear Inc. Chapter 1
I am a big fan of the yogscast and enjored hearing about their fictional companies they came up with for their minecraft videos, honeydew inc and sipsco. i created my sona before i knew about the fandom.
Adipose City: Turf Wars
Most of them were copied from official company promotional material but there were a few... "flattering" artistic renditions of the girls snuck in there as well.
Dating Out. Chapter One.
"i would greatly enjoy your company, as well, k-rey. it would be nice to snuggle up to someone in front of the fire." "my place doesn't have a fireplace." corey texted without thinking.
To crave a company of two? only he and i spending our days together bound to one another like birds of a feather but where oh where can i find him? the one who sees me for me? where could he be?