Restart Chp. 1 [Re-upload]

Following him into the living room turning on the tv sitting down on the couch, watching some television show, but i wasn't paying attention to the show, i was too busy staring at kiba, looking at his beautiful blue eyes, his muscular tone, his light

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Time of war Chpt 7

After a bit of searching through mindless reality tv shows she finally settled on a show about two guys who buy storage units and sell the items inside them.

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Passing Drills

The girl was like a character from a kids' tv show. there was no way that she actually thought like that, was there? the oddest thing about the whole situation was that i was sure she was looking at me in the exact same way.

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Fox by the Sea Ch. 1

I took another daring trek across my room to the dresser and just like the floor, the surface was littered with paper, junk food wrappers, and simple trinkets such as figurines from a tv show i always liked since i was kid.


A Cushy Expedition | Chapter 1 [Archives]

Her yearning for adventure was so distinct, that she had even landed herself in an educational tv show where she had the opportunity to share her passion for the world's mysteries and beauty with furs around the world!

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Zootopia movie script: Point 223 part 5

Scene of the zootopia swat team arriving in the classic 1975 swat tv show van. this team will be featured in a future script coming soon. 5. we see kimba from behind in a dress being razzled by the maudi brothers. we hear nick's voice asking...."

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Paraskepite- Chapter Six

She probably watched a lot of tv shows and expected that he would find some insignificant clue that would unravel the entire mystery.

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The Time Lord Part 1

I started by saying that there is a series of television shows, books, an fan fiction about him, his world and his people. rose asked him how it was possible for it to happen. the doctor paced back and forth for a few seconds than he turned to us.

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Stranded - Day 1

I remembered something from a survival tv show i'd watched previously where the host stated that "one layer below was worth two layers above", meaning that we would conserve much more heat by having something underneath us rather than on top like blankets.

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Another Tundra Race

"it's a tv show, kitty." kit points out. "i'm sure it's safe. right?" "uh, kit? this is toner we're talking about." deedee points out. "you're right." kit rolls her eyes.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 9-Race Prep

James went back to his game and will his tv show. i picked up my vita and went back to my race as tess sat beside me. she punched my shoulder,"looks like i'm your sister now." i smiled my reply,but i wasn't sure how to answer.

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Identity: Chapter Seven

A glance at the television showed only the weasel anchor saying something about the presidential election. the rat grunted. in the background, someone was clapping - scarlett really must have been kicking nolan's ass at pool.

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