LoS: A New Age Chapter 7(Short intro of Evelyn)

Well, i can burn you by hitting the rock beside me or i can release you with the vine on my other side." she said revealing the two objects she stated. "well, i've already chosen the rock, so you deserve to know my name.

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Voided Traveller: Chapter 7

He ran back into the last section of the cave, seeing next to nothing has changed, except for lexiss now still actively fighting to be free of the rock prison.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 8

the rock was getting closer and closer with each second, she closed her eyes reading herself for the inevitable, it will be a painful collision, but then to her surprise she stopped, cynder opened her eyes just to see the rough surface of the rock right in

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SubChp.1 Unexpected Finding

She came to a bunch of doors in the stone walls. she went to the nearest and opened the old wooden door and peeked inside and... nothing, just what looked like a small store room with empty barrels and cobwebs.

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Flamefeathers - The Scepter

She peered up into the stone face and couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity. it was like staring into a mirror. indeed, the entire statue was built to the same scale.

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Come the Black Ships.

He whirled around and struck out with his blade- it glanced off the stone walls surrounding him.

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A troll after my own heart

They rested their weight on one knee, and with dexterous fingers, scratched the rocks to form symbols.

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The Hardest Life PT.1

He stopped and rested on the rocks, the rocks were warm from the light but a bit wet but was still comfortable. resting on the rocks, he does he some bushes rustling somewhat close to him.

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Antithesis, The Fall of Neutrality

And then, even as the stone tendril began to free itself, the top layer of the stone lock slid suddenly closed, trapping the half-free tendril, the lock snapping closed once more.

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WIP (continued)

Giving a small grunt, she hurled the stone in the direction of the soldiers, but instead of flying over their heads, it hit the taller of the two on the left side of his head.

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Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Forty Four

With her free foreleg, she grabbed at the stone, and planted a hind paw against it, further down. then she stretched her limb out and set him down on the rocks through another hole.

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Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 13

If only he could just _know_ - that's when he saw it, the tip sticking out of a muddy brown puddle: the rock he had picked up... the rock banno had thrown at the fox... the rock banno had almost used to strike down his own brother... the rock that used to

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