Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter Six

Timothy tried to swim over to arturo and biro, but his feet just spun uselessly in the water and he didn't move anywhere.

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Innocent Love

Not really anything important, just about how her useless day at school went. a school where she was so badly bullied not even her mother knew of her sever depression issues growing. online she met a boy named, kyle.

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A Fox and His Yeena

Used and useless i was a recluse trapped in my own body. i hardly went out unless it was to get food or drink. eventually the bar became my new home. its concoctions always intoxicating my brain i would sometimes fight or try to flirt.

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Polytechnica Zephilyber: pt3

'sides, that useless cyber cat can't live without me. i'm his energy. and even if he were to get rid of me, i told him it was impossible to do so. he won't even have the energy to defeat me anyway. toxic: star dust has arrived sir.


Shadow's Free

Free was kinda useless since he wasnt used to his new body, so shadow was battling stein.

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 10

I was completely useless.... wyatt: terriermon.... how had they opened that portal? i mean i am pretty positive a digimon cant do that and my portal card only opens a portal to the digital world! what do i do!!!

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Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 13

They just hung at his sides, useless. "pease, don't say it." ander begged. "i didn't hear what i thought i heard back on that hill. i couldn't have. it's impossible! please don't say it! please!"

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Justin the Gryphon

The knights tried to avoid their fate, but it was useless. the monster moved its tongue, clearly savoring the taste of humans, which prevented them from maintaining balance and fight.

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 37

He was useless. worse than useless. it would have been better for him if he had just stayed out of the way.

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My Guardian Demons - Part 1

"useless!" one voice would say, "he's useless." "why is he even alive?" asked another. "if they knew, they would all hate him." i began to see things that i was told weren't there.

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Sky Defender: Sever (Chapter 2)

His small eyes stared at the screen and watched as his creations failed and were reduced to useless scrap. he took a deep breath and slowly turned to face the wolf. "what does she want?" his voice was soft and raspy.

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Regressive Tendencies: The Beginning (Chapter 1)

One cell phone, now useless. she didn't even know why she'd brought it, really; she knew she'd be going far from any cell towers.

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