Lines of Crimson

Not like the unyielding waves of the ocean, but like its rolling tides moved in unison under the guidance of a divine force. the lines of crimson were the dedication of a people who seldom understood the true power of the forest.


Blueberry Fox Poem

I cried, how could this happen and i stumbled backwards as i started to fatten it was a slow growth, as smooth as the tide and at that point up my belly did my tight shirt ride my arms rounded out and started to rise following the example, of

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Their lines upon the cast of wing and beak and eye so bright - thus assaulted the beacon stands as platitudes tumble back towards the sea, "the immortal," reads inscription thus, "who looks out upon the infinite; holds firm against the endless tide


What I would Do if I could do anything? Write about you.

It is sunny, warm, and the tide is out. the waves lightly lap the beach. more tarps over poles are setup under one next to the dragon. under a set of them is a mew, an eevee, a snorlax, and a mudkip.

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La Noche

The see parted and he was rushed by it undulate tides,. it eddy of wirling green, it's waves of presteen blue. but as the musician took there rest the sea beached him near the bar. his ears flopped down as he ordered his fourth drink.

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When dusk finally approached, the incoming tide that danced around her toes as she walked along the beach also welcomed the moon, and as she gazed up at it, it gazed back, realising her plight.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.06: The First Strike - Ep06

Good thing i have a little snack here to tide them over before the big meal!" onyx snickered and lifted kyle by the neck over the canine monsters, eagerly awaiting the command of their master to start chomping on the poor sniffling young feline.

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The Nine Knights of Creation: Prologue

During the first hundred years of the knights the knight of galaxies was lost in the tides of time being sent forward in time and far in distance.

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A Town Called Yesterday

The sun was down, the tide was out, the wind was in the west. and since it looked so peaceful there, i sat me down to rest. an old man sat beside me and he spoke up "hoi there, son. of all the places in the world, your way led to this one?

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A Nation in Trouble

And that is why we have come, to seek resources in hopes of turning the tides to our favor. you are after all known for generosity, correct? - that might be true. but even that has it's limits. our nation has known peace for many decades.


Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 3

"i know you bring terrible tidings, but just for a minute i want to be happy that my brother is alive, and i want to be thankful to you for bringing him to me." "th-that's all right, ander, really. you don't have to-" "thank you, nilia.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 3

"i know you bring terrible tidings, but just for a minute i want to be happy that my brother is alive, and i want to be thankful to you for bringing him to me." "t-that's all right, ander, really. you don't have to-" "thank you, nilia.

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