Ferret Chronicles- Then we met.
Her guy friend who she "wasn't" dating had just graduated as a super super senior. tyler was a sarcastic asshole of a alligator but also a very close friend of ours, anyway maria had this idea to drive to portland to pick up said alligators best friend.
Kween Karen Lays an Egg (OUCH!) - Part 2
But whenever someone did not play a super epic and awesome adventure with their plushy, she'd feel super sad.
Megalopolis - A Midnight Rescue
"i think it's time we get out of here before the guards can summon a real super, not some inept wannabe."
School of Mystic Arts pt 3
"oh are you like super rich??" she asks looking over at me. "i wouldn't say super rich, i'd say like upper middle class?" i say looking over at her. "why? you?" i ask. she blushes in shame.
Raven Wolf - Book 04 - Chapter 16
You super soldiers have known one another since you were children haven't you? even if you don't get along with him you must still be worried about him right?"
Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 13
"you should know better than to assume a super soldier to be that weak!"
One Last Battle
"well just so you know i have a little super form of my own, should the time come i'll show it to ya." "well then what're we waiting for? let's go!!!"
Superhero Story: Lively Latex Ladies
Commissioned by fa: drakehavok to explore the character of rachel (one of his), we have this little story of a simple conversation between a super heroine and a super villainess. enjoy.
Terminology and Names
What we might call destroyers/frigates, light cruisers, heavy/battlecruisers, battleships and super-carriers, and dreadnoughts (not the older term for battleships, but the modern fictional connotation)/super-battleships, they call tier 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively
Secret Rendezvous
A 100 word "drabble" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/drabble) set in the colmaton universe, featuring super collie waiting to meet a certain bureau of superheroes operative (owned by mojorover).posted using postybirb super collie stood waiting in the international
Tales from Silicon City 11: State Secrets
Given that virtually all of the supers under his command were incapable of teleportation or flight, some kind of personnel transport needed to be secured.
furry superhero project
Here are the characters and their powers thus far **shockwave:** species wolf **powers:** super speed, super intelligence, able to create shockwaves wherever he runs, able to run on any surface such as water or up buildings, able to phase through objects