The Fighter - Chapter 2 -

"i can't hear the street. that's not possible. i've always been able to hear the street, even in the rain." she turns her head around to look down the alley she just came. not able to see or hear anything but the gentle drips of a drain pipe.

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One in the Shadows part one

December 29, new york it was a windy day in the city, the snow on the ground blew aross each street and alley.

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The Final Decision! (It works!)

The street was dark except for the few ominous light areas, stretching halfway across the road, created by the street lights. i walked through the darkness to the driver's side of my '97 monte carlo. i struggled to find the keyhole to unlock my door.

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Moon Tide: Chapter 2

The thought spurred her to put on an extra burst of speed, as she saw her street just a block away. she whipped around the corner, and took off up the street, locking her eyes on her house. it was mid-way up the street, and she reached it in no time.

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One Fine Goopy Day

It was dusk in the city of lemyria, the streets still very hustle and bustling about with it's inhabitants. down said street came a notail. they bobbed their head back and forth shimmying quite happily. stopping a person in the street. "you there.

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The Hyena’s Concubine CH16

Simba looked around the city of banagi as he left the grounds of shenzi's urban palace, watching as street cleaners swept up the remains of yesterday's celebration and numerous hyenas went about there business.

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You Told Me

He passed on and the street was quiet again, the street lamp buzzing and flickering overhead like something from the opening scene of a horror film. you told me that it wouldn't be like this and i trusted you. where did that leave me?

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As you know Bob, show don't tell: Srsly (7 shows, no tells!)

If i wrote it like this - 'john walked down the street, hating every step. he kicked a can from his path, hurt his foot and ignored it. john had always hated cans laying openly in the street.

Don't Be Alone

The feline would see now the shadows trickling into view from the alleys and from up the street towards the way she had come.

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A Glimpse into Darkness Chapter 1

The fox extra aware of the hand gun underneath his seat as they drove home through the ghetto streets. ' only a few blocks more and then we will be safe' he thought as they passed a group of fairly mean looking street dwellers who, gave the black vehicle


Chapter 48: The Trophy Son

Roan retreated across the street, watching from the shade of a tree as theo -- in his white fur and beady-eyed glamour -- waited patiently outside the hut.

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