Shard - 1 The shattered piece of a Whole

The alliance was never sure about the exact numbers as spidrens were always breeding new clutches almost spontaneously, and they themselves never kept exact figures........ i closed the holovid with an unsteady paw'and, and now, it was 7636.

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Chapter 3: Silk and Lace

So yeah, it was a little late for breakfast, but xavier was an unusual, spontaneous and considerate male, and intended to make veronica as happy as he could. he rose to the landing, and gently knocked on the door with his elbow.

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//?A Curious Sergal: Part 1.001

In fact, that clan had been the very reason i fled the tatola and ended up running into your hunting party" mother was surprised at father's sudden and spontaneous disclosure of so much of his past, which he had chosen to keep secret.

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A Long, Dark Road (Part 6)

Varg asked, watching as a fire spontaneously erupted under the kettle in the corner. "technically, i am.

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Know to Understand Chapter 12: Crossing Territories Uncharted.

Brian snapped his fingers and his helmet quickly wrapped around his head and arms spontaneously combusted. the blazing flames around his grew as he jumped from the roof to the ground where brandon and i were.

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Know To Understand. Chapter 13: The Unsavory kind.

Then there was phoenix and spontaneously being able to communicate with me. i think that was just me wanting info out of her, i could never see myself befriend such a cocky bitch. "hmm...well now that i think about it, you're right." i said honestly.

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The Gaming Journal #1: The Problem with Fighting Games

Fighting games are more spontaneous though, many fighting game developers deciding to pump out re-release after re-release after re-release only a mere many months or even a year or two after the original game came out, and no one has done this constant headache

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Everwinter Ch41: Gate of Revelation

Another flare erupted from the obelisk, and the vortex spontaneously formed once more. it sent a ripple through the aether, cold and harsh as the master's presence once more spilled into the world.

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Uskara Tales I

But spontaneity is always good-good!" it didn't take long for xuri to lead his entourage back to the gates. already there was a collection of town guards waiting. the rodent approached with a spring in his step. "well those traders were right.

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A Rift in the Leyline

Looks like we either have an amature tapping into a leyline or spontaneous wild magic though. surprised kalecgos didn't send a blue dragon with us to fix this if it is a leyline.

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Playing Curse

Aurum was used to spontaneous transformations, but usually to him and when hanging out with a certain crowd. these things didn't just happen to people around him in his normal day to day life! or at least, not before. "squeeeaaak!" mr.

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Thirteen Tales From Another World: Fourth Tale

spontaneously teleporting to a ship out in the middle of an ocean wasn't any more farfetched than turning into an otter kid. "well... sometimes you just have to be an otter kid and have a pirate adventure." aria took this quite well.

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