The Furre Archive Project - Part 2: Fragments

There was one last scrap, one last transmission that came from "him". it was buried deep in a coded, corrupted file that suddenly appeared on various furre owner related websites about a month after his transmission was cut. it was a poem.

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Don't Stare like that

Anything... everything... something... a little scrap of something would be preferable to nothing... "nala?" taylor whispered in his friends' ear. "na~la... earth to nala!" taylor bit down on his lower lip to think.

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A Furry Love Story - Back to Reality

#6 of scraps for the rest of the convention, i spent my time familiarising myself with the furry community. a lot of people were interested in me, but in a completely different way. they were more interested in my life than they were my beliefs.

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Choose your own path Pt2

A number of times it has gotten you out of scraps and traps, but there's something, mischievious about it, and it's not something you particular fancy about a supposedly inanimate object.

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Preview - A Bump In The Night Chapter 16 - Preview

#3 of bitn scraps my eurofurence fund has taken several leaps ahead lately; go here to find out what that...

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Only dialogue scrap. **argument** "i hate this room. it always makes me feel cold." **"why? it's not that cold in here."** "there isn't any fabric. it's just cement floors, walls, and ceiling. even these chairs are just metal. it's cold."

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Starfire the Lone Courier....Prologue

He wears leather armor that he made himself from scraps and a traders hat, which is basically a baseball cap, so that it shows other traders that he is willing to trade friendly without starting a fight.

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A Light in a Sea of Dark

"now you listen here, ya scrap fingered scale bucket. i? i am god, and i have a universe to create. if you don't mind, move, or i'll have make you move." tony looked at god grin still splitting his face ear to ear.

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Silver Stream Memory 15

She returned the smile," i was going to ask to scrap rotundomon but now i think he is a delicate nice creature. can we use him?" debacho and cursler left and i went over to the bed and sat on the edge.

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Dead Trees

While she, unlike most rats, didn't need to sleep to live as such, when she would feel exhausted from her work and feel like at least resting with one eye open for a while, she'd just lie down on a pile of books and scraps of paper, gathering around her as

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Hic Sunt Dracones

Even if the doors could be opened and the equipment within removed, the normal clean room containers used to transport payloads to florida had, most likely, been sold for scrap. roger nodded and looked like he was about to be sick.

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Xvmon's Gut Punching Beat Down

_ with each strike, leomon sinks his beast fist inward nearly up to his forearm; he lifts xvmon up the wall, scrapping the dragon's back in the process. leomon continues talking as he punches xvmon's softened abdomen..."

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